Affiliate Revenue Information

Top Five Ways to Earn Extra Money Online at Home for Free

Here's a fact: everybody wants to earn extra money. We allhave bills to pay, families to feed, and the list goes onand on...

Discover several legitimate ways to earn extra moneyonline for free using your computer at home.

You probably wonder how much extra income you can make?Well, it depends on how much time and energy you are goingto put in.

Here are five legitimate online opportunities foreverybody to earn extra cash fast:

1. Get paid to read email

This is probably one of the oldest online incomeopportunity. In order to get started all you need is yourown e-mail address. If you have an Internet access at home,you probably already have an e-mail address too? Otherwise,you can open your own email account and receive yourpersonal e-mail address for free at: or

Actually, be prepared to use your e-mail address with anyof the extra income opportunities that I have listed inthis article.

How 'get paid to read email' programs work? Simply, onlineadvertisers pay commissions to the paid email companies forsending their advertisements via e-mail to members who wantto get paid for reading emails. When you receive a paid e-mail, in order to receive your cash you should click on thelink and visit an advertiser's web site.

How much you can earn? Not much. The paid email companiespay from $0.01 up to $1.00 per e-mail that you read.Usually the more they pay, the higher is their payoutminimum. It means that you can request your payment onlyafter you have earned a certain amount of money.

It really wouldn't be worth your time if paid e-mailcompanies didn't have referral or affiliate programs. As anaffiliate you can refer new members to their programs andget paid a percentage of what your referrals earn.

Note that if you want to make serious money you'll need torecruit at least several hundred referrals. Not to worrythough - there are some free ways to accomplish that, asyou will soon discover. Besides, visitor to sign upconversion ratios are very high, since get paid to readprograms are totally free to join!

It is very important to select only legitimate paid emailcompanies. Here's a short list of proven 'get paid to reade-mail' companies:

i) WowEarnings -
ii) InboxDollars -
iii) E-mailPaysU -

2. Get paid to take surveys

When you join paid survey programs, online merchants payyou for your opinions on their products and services. Theproblem is that in order to access top paid surveycompanies you have to pay an access fee.

Here are some top-notch web sites that offer hugedatabases of paid survey programs:

i) Survey Scout -
ii) Paid For Free -
iii) Survey Platinum -

3. Get paid to complete offers

At the moment, this is one of the most lucrative ways toearn extra money online working from home. Again, onlinemerchants pay commissions to visitors... but not foropinions, not for their ads delivered via e-mail, but fortrying their products and services. The offers includecredit card applications, ISP services, membership clubs,free trials and samples, etc.

You can earn up to $70 extra money just for a single offercompleted. Usually, the more extra cash you earn per offer,the more you have to pay per S&H or trial membership.However, if you really need a product or service that isoffered, this is a great opportunity to accept it on theInternet, simply using your computer at home. Plus, you getpaid extra cash for accepting terrific deals!

Top get paid for offers programs:

i) Cash4Offers -
ii) WowEarnings -
iii) CashFiesta -
iv) SearchCactus -
v) InboxDollars -

4. Get paid to shop online

This way to earn extra money is very similar to paidoffers opportunity. You get paid a certain percentage ofwhat you spend at online stores.

Cash4Offers and WowEarnings have super get paid to shoponline stores. So, if you like to shop online, why not getpaid for doing it?

5. Get paid for marketing affiliate programs

As I mentioned earlier, you cannot earn a lot cash unlessyou join affiliate programs of these 'get paid to'companies, and earn commissions from your referrals.

If you don't want to get involved in the affiliatemarketing, the only option is to join a get paid tocomplete offers company and earn several hundred dollars bycompleting offers that interest you.

However, if you are serious about making extra incomeonline from the comfort of your home, you should join 'getpaid to' (or other) affiliate programs and promote them onthe Internet.

Ideally, you should create your own web site. Here aresome useful resources from top online affiliate marketersthat will help you to get started:

i) Corey Ruld -
ii) James Martell -
iii) Ken Evoy -

Of course, you can succeed as an affiliate even withoutyour own web site. The best free way to drive targetedtraffic to your affiliate programs is by writting your ownarticles and submitting them to major article directories:


If you think that you cannot write, check out Jim Edwards'"Turn Words Into Traffic" letter. I hope that he willconvince you that you can:

When joining a 'get paid to' affiliate program look whataffiliate marketing tools & resources the company givesyou. The only 'get paid to' affiliate program that offerstwo-tier affiliate commissions, ready-to-use articles, freereports that you can give away to your web site visitors,affiliate e-course and much more, is Cash4Offers.

As you can see, some 'get paid to' companies offer youseveral ways to earn extra money in one place. For example,WowEarnings gives you an all-in-one-place extra incomeopportunity to get paid to read e-mails, complete offers,shop and refer your friends.

But if you want to make the most extra income working fromhome in your spare time, you should get involved withaffiliate marketing, and start with the Cash4Offersaffiliate program.

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