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What Puts The Super In Super Affiliate?

To be super at anything means to excel beyond the scope of average or achieve superiority status.

Super affiliates do just that. They are ordinary people achieving superior status in what they love. They devote their time, talents and resources to making their dreams a reality.

Let's take a look at ten strategies that have helped ordinary affiliates become "super" affiliates.

1. Find Your Passion

Finding a product or service to get started in is often a difficult task. I find it's always best to start with what interests you or what you are most knowledgeable in. For some, what you are most knowledgeable in might not be your passion or vice versa. In this case, my advice is do the thing that most excites you. If you need knowledge, go and find it. Learn as much as you can, become an expert.

2. Look for a niche

Once you've found a product or service that you are interested in see if you can narrow it down to a smaller niche. For example, you may choose to sell dolls. Since dolls come in many varieties and types, you might narrow it down to only porcelain dolls. This will be your opportunity to grab the smaller niche and specialize in the share of the market that the larger companies don't care about.

Finding a niche also helps eliminate competitors and can help build referrals. Competitors often refer clients to those that can best serve the needs of the customer. If their need is your niche, you've got a winner.

3. Create a web site

Affiliate marketers often send their customers directly to affiliate websites. While this type of marketing can work for some it won't help you achieve the "super" affiliate status.

Pre-sale has become the term du jour. It focuses on building trust and credibility when making a sale. There's very little sales effort and trust built when you simply send someone to a site to buy something. If your viewer is not familiar with that site or the products how can they trust it.

Building a website introduces the products and introduces you. It sets the stage and whets the appetites of your visitors. A well designed website will allow your visitors to become comfortable with what you have to say and they will begin to trust your recommendations. A "super" affiliates best friend is gaining trust.

4. Create an opt-in mailing list

This is an important key to obtaining "super" sales status. Your mailing list establishes a following of readers that want to hear what you have to say and offer.

It's important to build on that relationship by sending helpful tips, strategies and information that will help your readers. Don't bombard them with flashy ads and constant sales information. Offer them recommendations on products that you have used. Provide them free tips and strategies. Run contests and provide motivation. Build friendships and trust and you'll soon build sales as well.

5. Know the products your are selling

Don't try to sell things that you are not familiar with. It's difficult to describe to someone how wonderful a product is if you don't know exactly what makes it so wonderful.

When selling a product you should examine it carefully, detail all of its features and benefits. List exactly what you liked about it or don't like about it. How did you benefit from the product and how might it benefit others. Don't be afraid to mention some less positive aspects of a product. As long as it doesn't discredit the product your audience will appreciate your candor.

6. Write product reviews

Product reviews are an excellent way to achieve sales. It sums up the highlights and provides your readers with a personal touch that describes the finer details of a product they may not otherwise be aware of.

A good review will include a product overview, features, benefits, a personal review, accolades and costs. For installation products you should also include product format, installation requirements, and specify if free trials are available.

7. Offer free bonuses

Everyone loves to get something for free. When you walk into a store and they give you a free sample or offer a free t-shirt, doesn't that make you want to shop around and see more?

The same principle works on the internet. It's a good will gesture that entices your viewers to see what other goodies of interest you may have. It's also an excellent way to entice viewers to sign up for your newsletter or online form.

8. Make yourself available

Allow your visitors to contact you either by email or phone. It's also a good idea to include your address on your site. This helps add to your credibility and shows your visitors that you are a real business.

Encourage feedback and invite questions and suggestions. Always respond to your viewers in a timely manner and be courteous and helpful. People appreciate it when you can take the time to respond to them. You may even reap a reward or two in sales.

9. Chose your affiliate programs carefully

Not all affiliate programs are created equal. There are several things to look for such as how often you will get paid? What is the minimum payout? How much commission does it pay? Is there credit for recurring sales? Will you be rewarded for bringing in new affiliates? Are cookies used to track sales? etc. These are just some of the options you need to investigate.

Don't make the mistake of signing up with an affiliate program that does not contain an affiliate agreement. Always look for, read and understand the agreement carefully before signing up. It may protect the affiliate merchant but it also protects you.

10. Maintain patience and persistence

Patience and persistence is my motto. You won't get far in this business without it. Nothing on the internet happens overnight. It takes hard work, good planning and a persistent desire to be successful.

Don't give up when things are moving slow. Stay focused on what you can do, not on what you can't do. Don't be too anxious and above all, stay persistent.

Elizabeth McGee has spent 20 years in the service and support industry. She has moved her expertise to the world wide web specializing in affiliate sales. Elizabeth remains dedicated to helping businesses find trusted tools, enhance customer service, build confidence and increase sales. You can visit Elizabeth's sites at:


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