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3 Powerful Words

I should have listened to an internet veteran back in 2000.

Learn from my mistake...

Allan Gardyne, of told me 3 powerfulwords that I overlooked as just too broad and simplistic...

And it's important that you hear this too so you won't wastetime or make the same mistake I did...

His very words to me in a personal email were...

"Just Get Started"

I remember he went on to say that was the most importantthing...

Now I bet that went right through you transparent with aboutzero impact - just like it hit me too, right?...

But don't let those 3 powerful words disguised as toosimplistic fool you...

It took me almost 4 years later to catch-on and wise up. Yousee, I sat on the sidelines of online marketing far toolong...

To me all this marketing stuff seemed like a giant catch 22...

I thought I needed to know a lot more than I knew at thetime before I could actually get started... I felt I didn'thave enough knowledge, so how could I get it allgoing???

Freeze - Stop - Do Not Pass Go - & Do Not Collect anyCommissions!

As it turns out, I was wrong in hindsight... Becausemarketing is momentum. It's something you build-on as yougo... the snowball effect.

Let me stress that again... "marketing is momentum".

Remember that... And while you DO need to keep expandingyour knowledge in different areas - you can startimplementing the things you learn as you go.

And you will be surprised because along the way you canstart earning commissions while building your marketingmomentum. This is something I was late to realize...

Again- learn from my mistake...

Just as an intern becomes a doctor or as we date before themarriage, it should be the same in marketing...

We must practice doing what we want to become... It's anevolution of a process in the making...

Ah... the magic bullet?

Not really... but the closest you will find to it...

So don't just sit on the sidelines... Get out there and dothe 'Nike'... Let me explain more...

The typical 'pondering ditch' many seem to fall into... (orshould I say 'fail' into)... is that they don't understandthat a major part of the success formula is to "just get started".

Heck... I didn't even believe this online marketing thingwas real until I saw real commissions congratulate me inmy own email box... (and this is something that once ithappens you're hooked :>D

However, I once entertained the thought that making a livingonline was reserved for gurus only ...


But I had to prove that to myself... And you will too unlessyou take my word for it which you should simply because it'strue.

Your own beliefs can be what's holding you back. But don'tlet anything stop you because when you are frozen goingnowhere, remember there are others making commissions everyday, week and every month...

So why can't it be YOU?

The fact is there are people just like you - people you willnever get to hear about... but they are out there doing itright now as you are reading this.

Yes, many of them are making their living online quietly...

Now imagine if I had listened to Allan back in 2000?

So what's holding you back?

Well what I have found the hard way is you don't have to wait to get started... You don't even have to write your own ebook or create a membership site or any of that if that's not your thing... You can do affiliate marketing.

But to start profiting online you have to follow these 3 very powerful words of advice...

"Just Get Started" (or like Nike says it, "Just Do It!")

As soon you make your first sale you'll be amazed how yourcommissions will begin to add up... And you'll find ways to build it from there. No pipe dreams here... this is real.

There are many possibilities so just listen to those 3powerful words. And if you implement them... you'll finally discover a formula to start your own online marketing business now... not years down the road...

So please don't waste time... "just get started"and learn from my mistake...

Go for it now... it's YOUR success... but don't make it waitany longer than it has to.

Michael Nicholas

(c) 2005

Michael Nicholas is the author of, Order Button Triggers.His ground breaking ebook focuses on how to get prospects toclick the order button to buy. Featuring over 30 years ofInternet marketing experience combined, Michael brought intop marketers to tell how they do it.


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