Data Recovery Information

Want To Beat The Odds? Disaster Recovery Planning is Essential

Statistics show two out of five businesses go out of business within five years of experiencing a major disaster.

These statistics are staggering. Even if the business survives the initial attack or natural disaster, it typically leaves the business so devastated that long term survival is not possible for 40% of the businesses hit. Disaster recovery planning can ensure the viability of a company after an attack. Proper planning helps companies to develop contingency plans and put them in place that limit the losses in the event us such catastrophes. It is not just the big guys that need to plan, disasters leave small companies even more devastated.

Business of all sizes should develop a business continuity plan, and test it on a regular basis. Every department and every employee should have a clear idea of how they should respond to a disaster. It this is not done, the company will have a much harder time recovering from disasters of monumental magnitude. The bottom line, disaster recovery planning for the continuity of your business is a key to survival in the new millennium. Business continuity planning is no longer something the big guys do. It is something the "smart" guys do.

It is not a factor of size; disasters hit companies of every size. If you have a small business website you are as vulnerable as a large corporation when a new virus is released. If you had a mom and pop hamburger stand next to the world trade center, your losses in terms of percentages of the whole, were just as large if not larger than the multi-national corporations. Plan for the disaster, and your business can recover with the least amount of losses; fail to plan, and you could be out of commission for weeks, even months, or in 40% of the cases?forever.

You can find expert disaster recovery planners and business continuity planners to help with solutions that are not obvious. You don't have to reinvent the wheel! In the wake of 911, and the terrorist attacks that are prevalent around the globe all businesses must prepare for the strong possibility of further attacks. It is not a question of if we will have further attacks; it is indeed a question of when. Can your business really afford to ignore the odds?

Renee Rich is a success entrepreneur and freelance writer offering guidance and suggestions for small to mid-sized businesses concerned with business continuity, time management, strategic internet marketing, business & money. Her many articles on these topics can be found at

She gives information and tips to help grow your business, save money, and make informed buying decisions. For more information go to:


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