Domain Name Information

Domain Name Information

8 Million de-Domains

DENIC, the registry of the German Top Level Domain (TLD) has announced, that it has received the eight millionth application for the registration of a de-domain. The de-domain has the position as the world's favourite Country Code TLD, ahead of .

The net-Domain: Backbone of the Web

We do not always realize that figures are just quantity and can deceive about quality.In spite of the fact that the net-domain is only the No.

ICANN Registrar: jp-Domains for Anybody

Cologne, October 10 2004. ICANN Registrar Secura announces today, that the company is now accepting the registration of jp-domains from companies and individuals outside of Japan.

All-time Record of Domain Registrations

The number of registered domains has reached an all-time high of more than 60 million domain names worldwide.Figures show that country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) are the fastest growing market, while general demand for new domains remains strong.

Detagged Domains

What is a DETAGGED domain name? We get asked this question regularly.Only UK domain names can be detagged.

Domain Names

Domain names are relatively straightforward! Or at least that's the theory!!The domain name is also, but technically not quiet correct, known as the website address.Using an ISP's domain name can look amateurish in an e-mail addresses, it is much more so with websites, giving the impression of hanging on another's coat tails.

What is a Domain Name and Why Would I Want One?

In this article we will cover the basics of what a domain name is, how they work and why you need to have at least one. I am going to try and avoid complicated computer terms and stick to explanations that should be easily understood by someone without a computer science degree.

.info Freedom Frenzy

Whether you're someone that registers domain names on a regular basis, or you're a person looking to register one domain name for your website or business, then it's likely that you've encountered the free .info registrations taking place at several registrars.

Liberalization of in-Domains?

Communications and IT Minister Dayanidhi Maran has -as Hindustan Times reports-some advice for Indian patriots: use in-domains for Websites and e-mail IDs to popularise Indian identity in the world.With India emerging as a global "labor" for IT, Indian companies should change the domain names of their Websites and e-mail IDs to in-domains, just like other countries.

ICANN Registrar: Great promotion by is-domains!

ICANN accredited registar Secura is announcing today, that the company offers is-domains to persons and companies outside from Iceland.The is-domains, which are the domains from Iceland, belong to the domains, which become more and more attractive.

The Growth of ru-Domains

The registry of ru-domains reports, that the number of domain names registered in Russia's national domain, the ru-domains, has increased 19.82% in the first half of 2004 to 256.

Eu-Domains For Everybody

Cologne,10 July 2004. ICANN accredited registar Secura announces today, that the company is accepting applications for the sunrise and real time period of eu-domains (https://www.

Its Raining ccTLDs

By now you've probably noticed the onslaught of unfamiliar domain name extensions popping up here and there. Like most domain name professionals, you've probably sat at your computer pondering whether or not you should kick out the extra cash to register some of these domain names.

Free eBook: Business Domain Names

Since every website needs a name, Dr. Steve Baba has written a free ebook that will help you obtain a brandable, memorable domain name at a reasonable cost, which will contribute to your brand equity and profits.

Domain Name: Why Do You Need One Anyway?

I come across sites all the time that are obviously hosted for free. Why obviously? Because they have no domain.

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