E-Book Information

EBOOKS Are Books Too!

Electronic books - that is books you read on the computer- have the same information and entail the same reading experience as books in the traditional form - that is books you actually hold in your hands. An ebook looks just like a Microsoft document but it is transformed into an ebook format such as PDF where the reader cannot make any changes to the document. There are other points of comparisons of ebooks and just regular books.

Anybody can buy an ebook the traditional way, just walk into a bookstore but with ebooks you have to have a computer and internet connection and also a credit card which presupposes your finances are in good order for the bank to allow you a credit card while with a traditional book no matter your financial situation even if you do not have a credit card you can purchase one as long as you have some money.

Suppose you were looking for a book on a particular subject and your local physical bookstore does not carry books on such subjects you can always find books on such subjects on the net (and even subjects you have never dreamed of) and you can purchase a book from someone halfway around the world and have it in minutes!

An ebook is not a book you can physically hold in your hands and it can be irritating to sit in front of your computer to read an entire book while you can curl up with a traditional book anywhere but with ebook readers this make ebooks portable just as the traditional books.

You flick through pages of a traditional book but you scroll down the pages of an ebook.

You can make copies of a traditional book with a photocopier while with ebooks with just a click of a button in mere seconds you can make an entire copy of a book.

You cannot hold ebooks in your hands but the pages will never yellow no matter how long you have it nor get doggie ears no matter how much you read it. The pages will always be crisp and new as the day you bought it (unless your computer is invaded by a worm which destroys all documents on your computer).

About The Author

This article was written by Shadha of www.shadha.com. She is the author of (THIRD WORLD EXPERIMENT)My Collection of Poems which is a collection of the most revolutionary, intriging and absorbing writings you'll ever read



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