E-Book Information

7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 5

Secret #5: How to build steady sales for years tocome with eBook Directories!


Are you making this mistake in your business?

Are you to busy to submit to more than a handful of eBookdirectories? Or worse yet, are you to busy to submit to even one!

Stop! By all means take a minute to read this short and to the point article. It will help you to build steady sales for years to come.

Before we begin, here is what you need to put together before you start going to the directories.

1. Great eBook Cover

This is a MUST! In order to promote correctly you

must have a great eBook cover. In this case, the

cover does sell the eBook.

2. 3 descriptions of varying lengths written out into

a text editor like notepad. Begin with 2 to 4

sentences and build to several paragraphs.

3. A list of 10 keywords.

Now, let's take a look at these separately.

First, a great eBook cover. Now there are eBook cover makers on the Internet that you can buy to make a great looking cover. You can also use some of the drawing programs that are out there. If making your own ebook cover is daunting to you, just relax and use this method: Buy one from a professional eBook cover maker.

In this article I do not have enough room to help you with the eBook Cover Programs. Simply go to a search engine and look them up.

(Note: I will have an extensive list of eBook Cover Programs in my upcoming eBook:EBook Marketing Secrets Revealed. Please see the end of this article for information.)

However, I can help you with a custom cover. Here is a wonderful cover creator for you:


Just copy and paste the above URL into your browser and away you go! Have fun!

Ok, now where were we. Oh yes?

Second, writing 3 descriptions about your eBook. This is an essential step and must not be taken lightly. You will need these descriptions when you go to enter your eBook into the eBook Directories.

The reason I have you write 3 of varying lengths is to accommodate the different directory layouts.

Third, make a list of ten keywords. This is very important. I suggest you go to some of the directories first and type in some keywords you think you'd like to use and see what the results will be. This will show you what others are looking under and what other eBooks will be listed. This way you can narrow down your ten best keywords.

In addition to your list of three descriptions and keywords add the following to you file: your title, your name, email address and website URL.

Ok, now let's move forward.

eBook directories will increase both your short term and long term sales. It all depends on the directory itself. Some directories have a large audience that shops regularly, this will increase your long term sales. Other directories have large spurts of sales and of course this will increase your short-term traffic.

eBook directories are not just good for sales, they make excellent research helpers as well. When I was first beginning my first eBook I went to a dozen or more eBook Directories and researched via keywords the different topics my eBook would carry. This gave me a great idea of what was already on the market and where there were possible niche markets.

In addition, I found hundreds of eBooks to download for free. This is the biggest help I had in getting over the Internet learning curve. I also learned from those eBooks how to write an eBook and how not to write an eBook. It becomes oh so clear when you use this type of research.

Today there are so many people submitting to the eBook directories you need to become familiar with the many different types of directories before you begin listing.

First there are still some directories that are free to list in. Then there are those that charge a fee to list unless you don't mind waiting 30 days or more in which case the listing becomes free again. Still others ask you to add a link to your website before they will add you to their directory. You must decide which avenues you wish to walk down and then head for those types of directories.

Many of the directories today utilize submission guidelines. When you see this make sure you take the time to read them. They are invaluable! The more you know about a particular eBook directory the better your chances of gaining a good listing.

Here are three eBook Directories to get you started.




Well that's it for today!

Happy listing!

BlessingsBluedolphin Crow

About the AuthorBluedolphin Crow Ph.D. is the author of an eBook called: eBook-Marketing-Secrets-Revealed! Rreserve your copy go to:http://www.ebook-marketing-secrets-revealed.com


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