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Inkjet Jargon Explained

With all the technical terms out there, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with inkjet jargon. Unfortunately, understanding the differences between the various terminologies is a must in todays advanced technological age. Below are a few of the more commonly used inkjet jargon terms you might come across and some information that will help you keep it all straight in your head.

Sometimes you might see the term CMYK. This strange looking word is simply an acronym to identify the colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (blac*K*). These are the standard colors used by printer industries. For example magazines and brochures use these colors frequently to produce glossy photography prints. CMYK allows printers to use all four colors combined in a mixture to create multiple hues and tones.

The next commonly used word you might run across in inkjet jargon is DPI. Again, this is simply an acronym that is short for Dots per Inch. This is a measurement term defining the resolution on the printer. A printer's resolution will have values ranging from high to low. High resolution is defined as a DPI of 1200 and above. A lower resolution would be anywhere from 300 DPI and below and would generally produce a printed picture with noticeable pixel dots. Low resolution is not usually recommended for high quality graphical or photographical output. The best possible photo output comes from using the highest DPI values.

What about Duplexing? The word Duplexing refers to the capability of the prtiner to print on both sides of the paper. This ability is beneficial in a number of ways. Not only does Duplexing conserve on paper, but it is better for the environment as well. While duplexing is not an inexpensive option, it is used infrequently in today's business world. In most situations, duplexing can be achieved manually by placing even and odd numbers first and then flipping the pages over. This will allow the user to print on the other side regardless of whether a printer can duplex or not.

The term inkjet printer has been around for awhile, but if you're not computer savvy you might not know the difference between an inkjet printer and dot matrix printer. An inkjet printer produces printed characters by spraying ink in a line of dots to form characters. Early inkjets were somewhat inefficient due to the fact that they had a reputation for clogging. The newer models, however; are designed to deliver high print seeds, superb graphics and crisp text. The technology present in modern inkjet printers has become so advanced that photographic inkjet output is on a par with that of photolabs.

Finally, another common term used is interface. This term refers to the type of connection the printer is able to obtain from the computer. Much older computers use a parallel interface. Today, this type of interface has become a thing of the past as new interface technologies such as USB and Firewire have taken centre stage purely due to their speed and reliability.

Taking the time to better understand inkjet jargon can prove to be particularly beneficial when you are considering purchasing a new printer. Don't let yourself fall for salesman jargon and buy the wrong product simply because you didn't understand the terminology used. Knowledge is power.

This article was provided courtesy of Inkjet Printables.com. On the website you'll find tons of useful information on cheap inkjet cartridges


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