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Pixel Disruption To Cause Nausea From User of Computer Screen

As we study the issues associated with teaching kids in the classroom we find that fluorescent lighting can plague the learning abilities. A slight flicker from such a light can cause disruption in normal brain patterns. Flickering lights at discos and in psychotherapy are used for proper mood enhancement. At a disco it can loosen up a dancer and put the mind in a certain transient state allowing for the movements, mood and mind to flow in the desired pattern. For psychotherapy it can be used to put a subject in a theta state of mind to remember old memories through hypnotic states, relax a patient or even change behavior through the art of suggestion permanently by putting certain commands into the subconscious.

Many people starring at computer screens without proper lighting in the background or computer screens with inadequate pixel adjustment have admitted that they experienced nausea, eye irritation, severe loss of concentration, difficulty comprehending, hesitation and general disruption of the sense. Since the eyesight plays such an integral part in the brains functioning and biorhythms, pixel modification of a display screens is a quick and easy way to disrupt the command and control systems of an enemy in times of political posturing. In times of national crisis or when serving your political will against a foe is paramount it would behoove us to utilize a technique which will give us an edge.

Pixel disruption is not as hard as one might think. For instance a TV which is out of sync is hard to see and can cause dizziness and make someone fall asleep or burn up valuable RAM as the brain uses up 45% of it's random access memory during processing of visual input. If you watch children with the TV set on late at night when they are tired you can see that if some lights in the house are off they get tired, perhaps you yourself have found it hard to concentrate on a movie when lighting is wrong? Sometimes the TV just needs a little fine-tuning or the screen is not working right due to a little weather disruption, either way it does take it's toll on a human being. It effects their ability to process the information burning up more RAM and effecting other parts of the body. Disruptions from early radar screens in the US Navy caused these adverse effects requiring the operator to look past the disruptions on the screen. Eventually this was solved, but such problems render the operator less alert and also cause a decrease in concentration and more likelihood for error.

Corporations have done much study with proper lighting in the work place both to save energy and increase productivity or just decrease the loss of productivity. An increase of 20% productivity means you need 20% less people employed at 20% less workstations. This is a huge savings and ultimately a hot topic in University Studies and of course used by many a Light Fixture company to sell products as the brochures of some of the largest supplies of lighting products explain. As a matter of fact each year two very large lighting associations meet in Las Vegas for their annual conventions to pitch not only cost savings, but ergonomic advantages to the bio-system, eyesight and productivity increases. The human species has evolved to work best natural light due to the hundreds of millions of years of adaptation. Yet only in the last 200 years have we adapted to light other than that of the sun or flame, so it obviously stands to reason that our eyes and processing abilities and brain waves are interfered with to some degree with any type of artificial light from man-made devices.

What is the best way to cause lighting to interfere with the human bio-system? Well, from a war stand point several ways. One way is to devise methods of manufacturing, which can be easily altered by software code in the future, yet run perfectly optimum in the present before such conflict or need arising. Another way is to use directional frequency disruption of some type via satellite, LOS UAV apparatus or NLOS ionospheric bounce to an entire region affecting every human for several hundred square miles? Such methods could and will decrease the enemy's productivity by the 20% or more indicated. Since discussing hacking is not something many like to think about, we should only use this method when other methods are not possible. It should be easy to subsidize computer-monitoring screens and help reduce the price and therefore all people of the planet would be using the same ones running on the same code. When a certain region was a war with other regions, the software could be activated to turn off a random set of number pixels in a symmetrical pattern. Thus you would be fooling the eyes and over taxing the visual processing of the brain during the time at war or directly leading up to war. Such patterns could be tested and be made to agitate the individual's character, put them to sleep, allow them into a theta state of mind to accept information or question their own belief system and even make them sick. Enough studies exist to prove this point.

If you make the enemy hesitate, become less productive or make bad decisions based on incomplete or bad information from over taxed brains on their team, you can win a war before you start and spare many lives on both sides. This is best for all concerned as it leads to quicker ends to conflicts, less loss of life, quicker mending of parties and less animosity and revenge factor for subsequent future generations. We are condoning war, hacking or conflict amongst the species, we feel it is a given. We must secure our networks from such threats. Protect our team and use every possible options to quickly win and defeat the enemy when the need arises. Disrupting the enemy through computer pixel disruption is an easy way to help us achieve such goals. It is cheap, effective and easy to induce if and when it must be done.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs


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