Hardware Information

Two Essential Accessories For Notebook Computers

A Good Notebook Bag

Forget those that are bundled with your notebook computer. Getyourself a good notebook bag that is well-padded both on itsload-bearing straps, and 100% around the notebook itself.

Aren't all notebook bags built the same?The answer is NO. There are countless bag types and variations.Not all of them have your comfort and protection of the notebookitself in mind. Most of them sacrifice style for substance, whichis worse than not having a notebook bag in the first place.

The best way to determine which notebook bag is the one for youis to bring along your notebook while shopping. Put it in the bagand ensure that it doesn't slip and slide around. Generousspaces do not mean better protection! You want it to be snug.

Carry the bag with your notebook in it. Simulate a lightjog. Why? Experience tells me that's how you'll mostlikely travel through the gates of airport hell. If the strapsstart digging in those shoulders, start looking for alternatives.A good strap should cushion those shocks as the bag bounces offyour shoulders while doing your airport jog.

Note also how the notebook bag opens up for main access. Again,if you're a frequent traveler you'll want to have one that's easyto retrieve and store your notebook for security checkpointpurposes. The best are usually top-loading ones secured by eithera zipper or a flap. We recommend the flap versions because theyusually have an additional layer of cushioning right around thetop for the notebook, and secure well but open fast with magneticsnaps/buttons.

The zipper types have none, and your poor notebook will getwhacked full-force if the bag topples head-long off an airportluggage cart. Trust me on this bit: I've had enough times mynotebook took a tumble that way, and seen many other helplesssouls literally spill their notebook's guts across airport gates.

A good alternative to those shoulder-loading bags are the rollingpilot cases. They are typically bigger than any shoulder-bearingbags including backpacks, but offer solid protection with apadded hinge-top opening similar to actual pilot cases. Rollerbags are also less taxing physically, and the generouscompartments in the bag means less luggage pieces to carry whiletraveling.

A Heat Dissipating Cooler Or Pad

Heat is the number one notebook computer killer. Today'snotebooks are little thermal generators, with internaltemperatures that rise up to 150 degrees even with built-incooling fans.

Those internal fans and heat-dissipating systems work full timemore often than you think. That's why they are usually the firstcomponents in a notebook to die on you. When that happens, you'dbetter not fire up that notebook, as it'll fry even before yousee the start screen.

So help out your hardest working notebook component and extendits lifespan. Invest in a notebook cooler or a cooling pad.Notebook coolers typically are low-rise, plastic or metal-facedpedestals on which your notebook sits. They are equipped with afan or two inside, which serves to draw hot air away from underyour notebook, and thus promote a cooler operating environment.Usually efficient enough to drop up to 15 degrees the operatingtemperature, notebook coolers however require power for its fansand would typically draw its power off your notebook's USB ports.This could somewhat decrease your notebook's battery operatingtime, but so far have proven to be negligible for many users.

Cooling pads normally do not have the fans, and are constructedfrom some type of heat-dissipating material or designed a waythat your notebook would have extra clearance at the bottom topromote natural air circulation. Despite the lack of fans, thesecooling pads do a surprisingly good job of cooling your notebook.They are also much easier to carry with your notebook becausethey are slimmer, lighter, and do not require power to do its jobtherefore highly recommended.

Lynn Chan helps new owners learn about proper notebook care and use. To learn more, visit http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com For a limited time, get the free tutorial "5 Days To A Healthier Notebook Computer" at http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com/


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