Hardware Information

Inkjet Printer Tips to Select Proper Printer

If you are tight on budget, go for Inkjet Printer. Inkjet Printers are more economical compared to Laser Printers. You have wide choice of Inkjet Printers. There are varieties of Inkjet Printers available in the market to select from. You can select your own printer based on the kind of printquality you require.

If you are graphic designer and have more concern withquality of images and graphics, you must go for InkjetPrinter. It gives excellent quality of imagesand graphics. If you need better text printouts thengo for Laser Printers. It is essential to confirm yourrequirements before buying your Inkjet Printer. Check out these important tips before you buy Inkjet Printer.

Things to check before buying Inkjet Printers

* Speed is the main criteria to be checked before buyingany printer. Always check the speed in normal mode asspeed rated by manufacturer is always tested onfastest print mode.

* Buffer Memory plays important role while you sharethe printer over the network. For networked printer itis always recommended to go for higher buffer memory.

* Computers nowadays mostly have USB ports thereforebuy a printer with a USB interface to get higher speedof data transfer.

* Never overlook total cost of ownership. Depending onpages you print, even a small difference in ownershipcost will save your sizeable amount over the lifetime.

* Ensure to get required quality of photo printouts ifyou are buying the printer for photo printouts. Ifneeded you have to also purchase an extra inkcartridge, as photo printouts need more ink.

* Check compatibility of printer with software.

* You must check the manufacturer's Web site for thetype of support offered. Check whether they offerregular software updates, patches for new operatingsystems.

* Check the dimensions of printer so that it willcomfortably fit on your desk.

* You must place the cartridges in the rightpackaging. Use factory-supplied containers to storeextra cartridges. If you use both color and black inkfrequently, store the swapped-out cartridge inzip-lock bag.

* Never use the switch on a surge protector to switchoff your printer instead of that use your printer'spower switch.

* Paper jam is the common problem with printers. Toavoid it clean the rollers and the internal mechanismwith mild alcohol. Place the paper carefully in thetray to avoid paper jam.

* Before placing the paper stack in the tray confirmthat you have to loosen the paper stack to separate themfrom each other to avoid paper jams.

* Use a mild glass cleaner on a soft cloth to cleanexterior side of the printer.

* The quality of printouts depends upon the quality ofpaper you use. The standard A4 size paper is mostideal for inkjet printers. The poor quality paperabsorb the ink resulting in smudge images. To get thebest possible images refer your printer manufacturerrecommendations. Also while printing photos, usemanufacturer-recommended photo paper for betterresults.

* Use nozzle cleaning function to restore the originalprint quality. As printer become older it will deliverfaint prints and you will see lines running across thepage. A nozzle cleaning function blows ink through thenozzle and unclogs it.

* Don't be a penny-wise and pound-foolish. Always usean original ink cartridge. Temptation of using cheaprefilled cartridges will prove expensive in long run.

* Avoid shaking the ink cartridge as this can createbubbles in the cartridge that can shut down theprinter.

* Call an authorized service person if you find inkleakage. Never open the printer on your own.

Krishna Pai is a webmaster and a writer.

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