Internet Marketing Information

Website Marketing: 10 Killer Website Marketing Tactics To Boost Your Profits

Here are 10 killer website marketing tactics to boost your profits:

1. Gain an advantage over your competition. Youshould find one benefit your competition doesn'toffer and use it as your main selling point.

2. Design your e-zine so it creates multiple freeadvertising streams. Ask readers to forward it topeople they know, offer ad trades, etc.

3. Allow your visitors to subscribe to an updatee-zine. Anytime you make changes to your website they can receive an informative e-mail.

4. Focus your articles on information the targetedreaders and e-zine publishers want. They will getpublished more often, which means free publicity.

5. Use problems to attract online traffic. Find acommon online problem and use your web siteto solve it. People will visit and see your ads.

6. Have an informative FAQ page at your web site.Anticipate questions your prospects or visitorsmay have; this will help improve your sales ratio.

7. Improve your negotiation skills. This'll improveyour business because you're always negotiating adswaps, supply prices, joint ventures, wages, etc.

8. Beat your competition by giving away a similarproduct or service that they charge for. It couldbe add on products, warranties, servicing, etc.

9. Build a larger online community by giving yourvisitors bonuses for participating on your messageboards or chat rooms. Try free products, ads, etc.

10. Instead of starting an affiliate program, starta referral program. Give people discounts and freeproducts for referring people to your site.

May these website marketing secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed


I-key Benney, CEO

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