Internet Marketing Information

Internet Marketing is Changing Right Before Your Eyes!

There's no doubt about it . . .

Big changes are in the air!

In the midst of all the usual scams and rip offs, there's a New Wave of Marketing techniques that are beginning to immerge that will forever alter what you do, or will take you out of the game.

The choice is yours!

You see, what most marketers have been spending their time on might be called "peer marketing", that is selling to their fellow marketers. Hundreds and hundreds of programs and ebooks have been written designed to draw in affiliates to do the bidding and "leg work" for those producing them.

So now we have tons of "how to's" and just as many affiliate programs that have, over time, gotten real old.

Then, on top of all that, you have thousands of traffic exchanges and paid to read email advertising sites to make us think that we're actually marketing to someone.

But in reality, all we're really doing is perpetuating this "peer marketing" phenomenon that's frankly spinning our wheels and getting us nowhere.

We all know it's not working. We all know that, in spite of all the hype and hoopla, 95% of all online businesses are still failing miserably.

Let's face it, Internet Marketing is in a rut that's got us all running around in circles!

But all is not lost!

Lately, new tools and methods to infuse new life into online marketing have been hitting the scene . . .

Things like Niche Marketing are beginning to draw many away from "peer marketing", and teaching them to spend their time finding out what other people want and connecting them to those products.

What's being discovered, actually, is that the average online marketer, who's been bogged down with trying to sell useless information to their peers, is generally well conditioned to slip right into Niche Marketing.

You see, there are tons of marketable, every day products available on the web, and there are just as many marketers who've learned, due to immense competition,to be extremely convincing.

Putting the two together is creating a remarkable edge over the product producers who, most often, have minimal skills in advertising.

Most of these products, easily accessible through reseller programs, can be marketed alone or in combination with other product via quickly set up websites.

And, because there's no production costs, in either time or money, most advertising campaigns can be generated in a very short period of time.

So you might say, Internet Marketing is finally evolving in a much more constructive direction!

Yes, online sales people from all over the world are now learning how to do what a sales person is supposed to be doing . . .

Finding people who are really looking for what they sell, and selling it to them!

Do you hear someone knocking?

Oh . . . It's Opportunity!

About The Author

Ken Nadreau is the author of "Get Niche Quick", and one of the pioneers of the New Wave of Internet Marketing. He is dedicated to ending the stagnation and lowering the 95% failure rate for online businesses.


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