Internet Marketing Information

My Secret To Selling More Big Ticket Items

Many aspiring Internet marketers hear all of the talkabout earning a six-figure income and assume that it'sall hype. Some of it is hype, but earning a six-figureincome really isn't difficult. I've watched friendsgenerate "six figures" in sales as we sat together inconferences or meetings! Today I'm going to tell youhow you CAN do it too. I'm going to give you a systemthat I guarantee you haven't seen before. It's one Icreated, tested, and now use extensively.

While I created this system, it's really justadaptations of things we've all seen. That's thebeauty of it all. Earning six figures isn't rocketscience, - it's just common sense in action.

First of all, the key to earning a higher income isselling more expensive "big ticket" items. You'llnotice I market many products in the $497 to $2997range. Many of these products are offered throughaffiliate programs and pay from 30-50% commission. Itdoesn't really take a lot of sales of a $2000 itembefore you're well on your way to six figures.

Before I share my secret system with you, I should tellyou that I thought of turning this information into anebook or special report and selling it. It's THATvaluable! It's valuable because it works. Proof thatit works is the fact that at several recent Internetmarketing seminars, I've been the affiliate who soldthe most seats :-)

Here's my big secret.... I use off-line methods to drivetraffic on-line. I use off-line methods to make sure thatmy message gets through and gets read. I have two primaryoff-line tools that I use.

First of all, I use the phone a lot. If I have a contactwho has indicated he/she is interested in attending aseminar or buying a product, I'll often call to see ifthey have any questions. I close the sale on the phoneand then sometimes have them go to the on-line order form.Lots of people selling seminar seats outside the Internetmarketing niche do this. You should too where practical.Make a phone call and sell a seminar seat that pays youas much as $1000 in commission. It makes perfect sensedoesn't it?

The second tool that I use is snail mail... greeting cardsto be more exact. I send out hundreds of these greetingcards to customers, and select prospects. It's a blendof on-line and off-line marketing methods you've probablynever really considered. I've seen others using postcards butgreeting cards have more impact.

Here's my system with the greeting cards:

1) I use a system called Send Out Cards. It aprint-on-demand company that offers a number of differentplans. The plan that I use costs me less than $1 per card(including first class postage). Basically, you select acard from an on-line catalog of more than 2500 cards, enteryour message, enter the addresses, and click send. Thecompany prints, stuffs, stamps, and mails the cards for you.

2) Send Out Cards offers the ability to set up campaigns.You can choose a series of cards to send out at specifiedintervals. This works just like the autoresponder systemsInternet marketers are familiar with. You basically choosethe cards that you want to send out, enter your messages,specify the interval for each card, and the system takes careof the rest.

Here's how a power user like myself uses that feature. Thesystem also allows you to upload databases. So I'veimported most of my contacts into the system. I've alsosubscribed many of these contacts to campaigns based uponcertain criteria. Let me give you a powerful example, andcontinue spilling the beans...

As someone who has sponsored seminars and sold lots ofseminar seats, I know that someone who lives within drivingdistance is more likely to attend a seminar than someonewho has to fly thousands of miles. How I use that is thatwhen I'm promoting a given seminar, I set up a series of1-3 cards telling about that seminar and inviting peopleto meet me there. Then one of the searches of my databasethat I do is for everyone in the same state, or maybe just innearby zip codes. I subscribe those people to that greetingcard series.

I also know that people who have attended seminars beforeare more likely to attend other seminars. They've had the"value" proven to them already. So I have a sub-list ofpeople that I know like to attend seminars. I subscribethese people to the card series for a given seminar too.

As you can see, I am selective in who I send these greetingcards to... sometimes. After all, these cards do cost menearly $1 each to send. However, I don't have to worryabout email filters or other deliverability issues. Peoplelike getting greeting cards and do open and read them. Mymessage gets through!

3) The greeting card system allows you to upload yourown digital images. I use that in two powerful ways!Since it's common practice for affiliate marketersto sometimes offer discounts or rebates, I includethose in my cards. Simply use your graphics program tocreate a "discount coupon." Then upload this digitalimage to your card to deliver your special offer rightinto the hands of your prospect. You don't have toworry about them missing the special in your email. It'sright in the card that you sent them.

A second way to use this feature is to take a photo ofyou together with the client or prospect. Then includethat photo in cards you send them. This won't work withthe campaign feature since you use that feature to keepfrom having to choose new cards for each individual. Infact, with the campaign feature, you can use "tags" justlike you do with an autoresponder, to personalize eachcard's message with first name, last name, etc. It's verypowerful.

Now, I'm sharing this information with you for two reason.First of all, I want you to see, and understand, howyou can actually earn that seemingly elusive six-figureincome. It takes just a little thinking outside thebox. Secondly, if you follow my advice and sign upas a customer for the greeting card service, I earn acommission. It's a multi-tiered affiliate program thatyou can sign up for and earn commissions from too.

To get full details on how to sign up as a representativewith this company, simply visit: Click on the link labeled"Income Opportunity" to find out how to become adistributor. Be sure to click on the link at the verybottom of that page to have the commissions explainedto you. The system will ask for a referral number there.Enter 2663. That's my referral number.

Back to thinking outside the box... I do sometimespurchase co-registration leads. I don't always use thesein the way most people do. I sort the database of10,000 - 25,000 leads (which is the size batch thatI buy) by state. I'm looking for all of the leads thatare from an area near the event that I'm promoting. Theseare leads that are very fresh (usually less than 10 daysold) and that have indicated they have started, or areinterested in starting, a home-based business. I simplyupload those that are near the event and subscribe them to acampaign I set up JUST for them.

I know... you're thinking, that could get expensive.However, let's say that you find 1000 leads in thatdatabase that are within a convenient distance for drivingto the seminar. If you're making $500 - $1000 for eachseminar seat that you sell, you don't really need to makemany sales for the campaign to pay off. You just haveto "know your numbers" and test small at first. Whatyou're testing is the wording of the messages and qualityof the lists.

When I send cards to these leads, I also include one card in theseries that explains how they can profit by getting into thegreeting card business. I earn $150 for each new representativethat I sign up and fully train. The training is mostly automated.That means I could actually spend up to $150 for each newrepresentative I find and still break even. As you can see, youdon't need very high percentages. The greeting card system doessell itself to enough people to make it a no-brainer for me toeven mail to purchased leads. Again, you do have to watch thequality of your leads.

This system can be used to sell all types of big ticket itemssuch as courses, video or CD sets, coaching etc. The key thereis to mail the cards, generally with a "discount coupon" topeople who already know you... your list members. This also means that you need to break with tradition a little by asking for more than just name and email address on your signup forms. On some of my signup forms (from select sites) I do ask for full address and even birth date. Why do I ask for birth date? So I can send them a birthday card of course.

If your prospects see the value in what you are offering, theywill often give you their full contact information. You just needto ask for it.

Another secret... the Send Out Card system can be programmed tosend a card automatically on a person's birthday, or it can justsend you a reminder. It's the ultimate high-touch marketing tool,and secure on-line contact manager, that takes surprisinglylittle time to use. People like it when you remember their birthdays... sometimes you may be the only one who does :-)

I've just shared with you something that will allow you tototally trounce your competitors. Chances are that even if yourcompetitors are reading this very same article, you can still outmarket them because most of them won't use this information. It's human nature. Your competitors will see that what I've justshared makes perfect sense, and they'll think "someday." Meanwhile, you take action and soon discover yourself with more money in your checking account than you use to make all year.

As you can see, making that six-figure income isn't hard. It doestake doing just a few things differently from what everyone elseis doing. It takes theability to think things through, evaluatethe risk, and then take action.

"The ball is now in your court!" If you didn't fully understandthe plan, you can email me for clarification. :-)

I've just shared with you one of numerous ways that I "thinkoutside the box" and separate myself from the pack. You need tocome up with similar methods of out distancing your competitors.

Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author,seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host,retired military officer, karate black belt, Master NetworkMarketing Trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He showspeople how to actually generate substantial income on-lineusing very simple, easily modeled systems. An example ofsuch a system that you can study and duplicate is at:


Seminar focuses on Internet marketing  St. Paul Pioneer Press

7 Free Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses  CO— by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Built for What Matters  The Trade Desk

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