Internet Marketing Information

Drive Tons Of Traffic To Your Web Site

If you've got a web site then one of your biggest marketing challenges is how to generate traffic without spending a fortune. Whether you're trying to build your ezine or prospect list or get potential customers to contact you or buy your products or services, getting people to your web site is a must and can be a challenge.

Especially if you don't have a big budget to spend on online marketing, and if you're having a tough time getting your site to show up in the search engine rankings. All of this was (and continues to be!) one of my biggest marketing challenges.

Anyone who knows me will tell you I'm not one to back off from a challenge. In fact, give me one and I'll do whatever it takes to overcome it. I'm going to share with you one marketing technique I've used to immediately get my web site to the top of the search engine rankings and to triple my web site traffic in just a couple of months.

Getting qualified traffic to your web site

If you've got a web site then one of your marketing tasks is generating qualified traffic to that web site. What exactly is qualified traffic? Qualified traffic consists of people who are looking for what you are offering. They're in the market for what you're selling and they are actively searching for it.

Does your site show up on page 10 of the search results, or perhaps doesn't even show up at all?

If you're like many small business owners, you don't have the technical knowledge, expertise or time to do what it takes to get your site to naturally achieve a top-ranking in Google and the other major search engines.

You can move your site to #1 in less than a day

Take my web site,, for example. There are tons of web sites on marketing. Achieving a number one Google ranking, or even a top 10 ranking could take a very long time to achieve even if I do everything right. But I want web site traffic NOW!

I want people who are searching for information on "marketing plans" and "how to market" to find out about me now, not months from now or a year from now (well I want them then, too, I just don't want to wait until then!)

I did it and it works!

Did you know you can buy your way to the top? That's exactly what I did, and you can do it, too. A text advertising service available through Google, called Google Adwords, enables anyone to have a text ad and a link to their web site show up as the top-ranked site for their selected keywords (keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines when they're looking for information on the web).

These text ads show up on the right hand side of the results page when searchers type in your selected keywords. You'll see them on any page, under the title "Sponsored Links." Google even offers a keyword tool to help you pick the best keywords for your site.

You can spend as little or as much as you want

Depending on how much you want to spend, you can determine the ranking and page your ad shows up on. You can very easily garner the number one spot. You select your maximum daily budget so you'll never spend more than you can afford and you can easily test different ads to see which ones work best.

You only pay for those who click

And the best part is, you only pay when someone clicks on your link. The other plus here is you'll know if your ad is working by watching what percentage of those who see your ad actually click on it. And if its not working as well as you'd like, you can easily change it.

It's all tracked so you know whether it's working

Google offers excellent tracking reports so you know exactly how many people saw your ad and how many clicked on it. You can send them to any page on your web site (for example, you might want to send them directly to your products page, or the page where they can register for your free ezine or special report).

The quickest way to boost your web site traffic

I used Google Adwords to start generating web site traffic and ezine subscribers my second month in business. My results were so good I maxed-out my budget in a matter of weeks and had to put my ad on "pause" (stop running it for awhile). The way I look at it that's a good problem to have, considering all those clicks led to new subscribers and customers.

3x the traffic in less than 3 months

Between this technique and the one I'll tell you about next week, I was able to triple my web site traffic in less than three months. And you can bet I'll continue using both of these marketing techniques to keep growing my web site traffic. I love them because they're simple enough for anyone to do and they don't cost a lot.

Get the qualified traffic you want

If you want to generate qualified web site traffic quickly, Google Adwords is an excellent way to do it. If you want to learn more, visit

(C) 2005 Debbie LaChusa

20-year marketing Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to help small business owners successfully market their business, themselves without spending a fortune on marketing. To learn more about this simple, step-by-step program and to sign up for her FREE audio class and FREE weekly ezine featuring how-to articles, tips and advice, visit


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