Internet Marketing Information

Internet Consultants for Online Sales

Beware of Internet Consultants, as many of them have never been able to promote anything of their own, yet are in a haste to charge you for their experience and marketing savvy. Many have never made any money on this Internet, sold anything or consulted with any successful online sales companies. In fact most often these folks hold themselves out to be experts and consultants yet have no real experience at all. The Former President and Founder of Wendy's Hamburger, Dave Thomas, when listening to those trying to give him advice would often ask, how much money do you have? Often finding that those wishing to give him advice had little if any money, he would think to himself; "why should I listen to you?" Indeed this is a good question.

As an entrepreneur I often have people holding themselves out to be consultants attempt to sell me their advice. Yet on further review they have nothing to offer. In my observations of the online Internet Sales business there are many who are trying to consult, yet so do well. If someone is really a good consultant then in fact they would be doing it for themselves. It is similar to the saying; Those who can't Teach or those who can't work for the government. Indeed, if you will look at all the experts out there who claim to be Internet Guru's ask yourself how many really have made any money on the Internet? Only a few, in fact most Internet Consultants will give you advice of search engine registration, market and sales techniques, but fall down in their own efforts to market their consulting business. In fact most Internet Consultants rank very low in the search engines and most a starving and living on minimal means. So why on Earth would you hire one without proof of performance; one way for them to prove they are good at what they do, would be that they did well in promoting themselves.

Be careful of anyone giving you advice on anything, especially online sales. Be wary of people full of advice with little if any action. Don't trust under-performers or those who have never achieved anything to give you advice, for you are a better source of information and you are better off following your gut; that is if you are a real entrepreneur.

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