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Writing Your Own Entrepreneur Success Story

The world of entrepreneurship is a difficult one full ofups and downs. In order to rise about your struggles andsurvive amidst the headaches and heartaches, you will needto learn the key to entrepreneur success. Everyone hasheard of famous entrepreneurs who have taken the internetby storm and pocketed millions in the process. Not everycompany will be the next eBay,, or Google, butthe successful ones will have their story written. Thisarticle will deal with the keys to writing you ownentrepreneur success story.

Entrepreneurs are hard working individuals dedicated tobuilding their business from the ground up. Whether youare selling cookies in Colorado, furniture in Florida, orneckties in New York, the same business key points willapply. Individuals from all educational and economicbackgrounds have gone to enjoy success in a variety ofbusinesses based on the internet. Beginning an e-businesswill allow you a great amount of flexibility and theability to work out of the comfort of your own home. Ifyou have ever been interested in starting your own businessbut do not have the funds to incur the necessary start-upcosts, consider an e-business. With an e-business, youwill not have the same costly fees as with a traditionalbrick and mortar business since you the internet willbecome your storefront. If you are apprehensive ofstarting your own business, take a look at theseentrepreneur success stories to get you in the mindset thatanyone of any background can successfully start and run abusiness.

Durant Imboden left his life as a literary agent andfreelance writer to enter the world of travel writing.Always having a passion for new places and friendly faces,Imboden decided to develop a website based on this travelsto Europe for anyone interested in travelling to the"Old World." immediately became awildly successful resource for travellers all over theworld. With over 3,500 original articles on everyEuropean destination imaginable, Imboden's website boastsover 300,000 visits each month. Through transferring hispassion for writing and travel into a marketable web-basedbusiness, Imboden is an inspiration for entrepreneurseverywhere. Knowing he had to experience and technicalknow-how to launch a website of this stature, Imboden beganhis career working on sites that were never meant to beprofitable. Refusing to sell advertising space, Imbodenmaintains a certain level of professionalism by refusing tosacrifice his brainchild for a buck. Making money solelyfrom affiliate commissions, referral fees, and Google'sAdSense text advertisements, Imboden shows it is completelypossible to receive revenue from a website without stoopingto selling space to annoying pop ups or potential scams.Imboden is more concerned about the quality of the websiteand its information than making money off his visitors.Quite often he sacrifices content for cash by publishinginformative and interesting articles that have no potentialmoney-making potential. Even though all aspects of hiswebsite do not generate revenue, he is by no means hurtingfor cash. Additionally, his dedication to provide qualityinformation to his clientele has made EuropeforVisitor.coma tremendously popular travel resource. Keeping this highlevel of quality, Imboden is able to gain the trust of hisclients, thus resulting in repeat customers.

Using Imboden's story, it is completely possible forentrepreneurs to develop a successful business withoutcompromising their morals or integrity. Even though yourbusiness may make money, if you are doing so by scammingor tricking your clientele, not only will you lose anypossibility of repeat customers, you will lose the trustand respect of your customers. The point of owning yourown business is not to make money at all costs, but developa business you are proud to be associated with and thatprovides you and your family with an income.

Jon Evans runs, and has written the book Success Alert - Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs which has been widely acclaimed in a variety of online and print media. If you're interested to find entrepreneur success stories this book is an absolute must-read!

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