Internet Marketing Information

How Do You Increase Your Conversion By Over 70% Instantly?

At times, marketing your business online can seem incredibly complicated. On any given day, you may see 20 different tipsbeing thrown at you for improving your marketing.

In all this noise, you can lose perspective on this one veryimportant, basic fact -

The More Visitors You Convert Into Subscribers and

Customers - The More Money You Will Make

I'm as guilty of ignoring this advice as anyone else. At timesin my business I have spent 99% of my marketing effort on gettingmore traffic, and ignoring techniques to turn more of thosevisitors into customers.

Now, my sites consistently convert over 1.5% of visitors into customers, sometimes more, but rarely less.

Now that seems pretty good - but what if I could get that to be 2%, 2.5% or more on a consistent basis.

With over 15,000 visitors per month on just one of my sites, that could mean a very major increase in customers and revenue!

In fact, logic would dictate I should be spending more time focusedon conversion than generating traffic - so thats what I'm doing.

Which Site Do You Think Converts Better

Ok - here's a test.

Here are two sites I am split testing (fancy term for software thatequally splits traffic going to two or more pages, without the visitor knowing and ensuring any future visits, they will be takenback to that same page):


The purpose of these pages are to capture contact information, marketing a very successful minicourse we created using the formula explained in "Automated Income Streams" (

One of these two pages outperformed the other by over 70% - care to take a guess?

It was the first one.

The only change between the two pages is the main headline.

So now, I have a scientifically proven headline I KNOW outperformsalternatives by a significant amount.

Will I start to use this in future emails, ads, signatures, salesletters, press releases and more...?


Testing may seem boring, useless, a waste of time and even painful - but the reward is incredible. When you can increaseyour conversion, you will not only instantly see higher revenues,but you will have more leverage to create major joint venturedeals that can really increase your profits.

Oh, by the way, the software I used to run the split test is asimple, yet effective script from:

Don't get caught up with the software - there are many scriptsout there, most important is to just get one of them and getstarted.

Become An Online Information Entrepreneur, Turning Your Knowledgeand Experience Into High-Demand Infoproducts That Sell Like Wildfire!Fast Track Formula Tells You How:


Seminar focuses on Internet marketing  St. Paul Pioneer Press

7 Free Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses  CO— by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Built for What Matters  The Trade Desk

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