PPC & Advertising Information

How To Win The War of Pay per Click Advertising.

Do you know what is the most important question amongmost internet marketers specially newbie's. It's "How to gethighly targeted visitors to there site?" Believe me, I knowit because I received this question from my subscribersalmost daily.

Well, earlier when I started my internet business I also facedthis problem. I tried safe-lists, I bought so called guaranteedvisitors, even I blast my ad to 10 million (Yes, you are right.It's 10 million) sites but couldn't make a single sale.

Than I changed my strategies and get this problem solved byfinding a right solution, and that is "Pay Per Click Advertising".Pay Per Click Advertising is a great solution for traffic worrieswhich directs a highly targeted traffic to my site. Yesterdayonly I got around 280 visitors and I made 24 sales.

Pay-Per-Click is a simple type of paid advertising that mostsearch engines, including some of the largest ones, now offer.It requires a bid for a "per-click" basis, which translates toyour company paying the bid amount every time the searchengine directs a visitor to your site. There is the added bonusthat when a per-click site sends your website traffic, your siteoften appears in the results of other prevalent search engines.

As with all marketing campaigns, there are pros and cons.Where there are flowers there are thorns also. what youhave to do is to protect yourself from thorns and let onlythe fragrance touch your inner sense. I am going to tellyou advantages the Pay Per Click Advertising.

One of the greatest advantages of PPC is that you neverhave to tweak your web pages to change your position insearch engine results, as you must do in a typical SEOcampaign. What you do have to do in a pay-per-clickcampaign is pay a fee.

Another advantage is the simplicity of the pay-per-clickprocess. You just bid and you're up and running. It doesn'tdemand any specific technical knowledge, though the moreyou know about search engines and keywords, the easier -and more effective - the process will be.

Now came the very point in your mind that what is badabout Pay Per Click Advertising. The downside is that PPCis essentially a bidding war. A higher bid than yours willlower your position on search engine results. This meansthat you will have to raise your bid to regain your position- which can obviously become quite expensive, especiallyif you are bidding on a popular keyword.

In order to determine if pay-per-click is a cost effectiveform of marketing for your business, you must do somecomputing to figure out how much each visitor to your siteis worth. You can compute this value by dividing the profityou make on your website over a given period of time by thetotal number of visitors for that same time period. Forexample, if your site made $5,000 in profits and there were10000 hits, each visitor would be theoretically worth 50cents. The basic formula is profits divided by visitors.

Be aware that the most popular keywords often costconsiderably more than 50 cents a click. The only wayaround this is to bid less for these phrases or you will bepaying too much for each individual hit.

Since when you are doing the business for earning moneyand you are losing a heavy part of it then you must havea plan in place to closely track the effectiveness of yourkeyword. It is advisable to monitor your keywords on atleast a monthly basis.

The only way to assess your success in this field is monitoring,not only monitoring but careful monitoring. You can easily analyzeit by visitor behavior which can produce invaluable knowledgeabout consumer motivation, habits, and trends. Expert monitoringand consumer analysis is essential to your overall business needs,and pay-per-click campaign is a must for this.

Raamakant S. is owner of http://www.umtezine.com. Subscribe to his Ultimate marketing Tips eZine by sending a blank e-mail mailto:umtezine@getresponse.com -- Learn Everything You've Been Wanting to Know about Internet Marketing. REAL Tips, Tricks and Techniques You Can Use In Your Business andConsistently Produce MASSIVE Amounts of Profits.


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