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7 Great Ways to Lose Your Shirt Using Google Adwords!
Google Adwords is a great tool! Careful use can lead tolegions of highly targeted visitors breaching the moataround your site, and demanding to pillage your products! Onthe other hand... Adwords is also a great place to drain your advertisingdollars if you're not careful. Like any other automatedsystem, it requires constant feeding and attention to keepyou from wondering just why you spent hundreds of dollarsand received a paltry return on your investment. Here's 7great ways I've found to do just that, (and yes I've beenguilty of several of these to one degree or another.) 1. - Not getting enough keywords, and I don't mean justnumbers. Good ones. A lot of people run a search on theirfavorite keyword tool and pick the top ten or twenty wordsor phrases getting the most traffic, thinking somehow thatTHEY will beat all the others using these keywords. There isa reason why these keywords are so popular: everybody andtheir grandmother are bidding on them! A much betterapproach is to come up with at least a couple hundred,better a couple thousand words that you have a shot atgetting a high ranking for. After all, if you have 1800keywords and can get a top 8 (first page) position for mostof them, you'll see a lot more clicks than you will chasingthe top dollar words. If you get a hundred of the lower tierwords giving you a couple of visitors a day, well, you dothe math. Not only that, but often the less expensive wordsare altogether more specific, delivering far more targetedvisitors. 2. - Not creating adgroups. You should use this function! Itcan help you focus your advertising much more effectively.By arranging your keywords in tightly focused groups of 10-30 phrases, and writing a keyword-specific headline for eachof them, you have a much greater ability to see what'sworking and what's not. Also gives you a chance to testdifferent headlines and text copy. 3. - No negative keywords. This you gotta do. And it's soeasy. Simply add -free (or whatever else you don't wantassociated with your searches) and you won't end up payingfor a lot of clicks for people who weren't interested in thefirst place. 4. - Using only broad keyword searches for their keywords.When you're paying for this stuff, you want to be asspecific as you can, particularly if you're playing in avery competitive market. Why hope that a broad search willreturn someone interested in what you're selling? Better toget as focused as you can on the words they may be searchingfor. Google helps you with this by giving you moreinformation on the impressions and click-throughs than youcan handle, but be pro-active, and prune the dead wood after100 or so impressions. If they haven't produced by then, theodds of them improving by leaps and bounds are not great. 5. - Not testing and rotating your ads. Even a small changein a headline or ad text can make a HUGE difference!Particularly headlines. Your ad text won't be read if theheadline is boring or uninviting. Learn to write killerheadlines, and do not be afraid to test and rotate your ads.Also don't be shy about deleting ad groups if they're notclicking through enough. Remember, you've got a list ofseveral hundred words; either these aren't right or theheadline/text need tweaking. Test, test, test! 6. - Not using the content targeted feature wisely. This isa tricky one. Google, in it's infinite wisdom, seeks outalternate avenues to show your ads, thus deliveringsubstantially more clicks to your campaign. Trouble is,though, you have no control over this, and it IS your money.If you are attempting to run a tightly focused campaign onlimited funds, this one is a potential budget buster. It caneasily rack up a lot of clicks, but are they of worth toyou? In my experience, the CTR is ALWAYS a lot lower. Iguess it could make sense for large campaigns with a verypopular product, but for the most part, you'll want to bevery careful. Which leads me to my last, and most importantdollar-drainer of all. 7. - Not having a GREAT sales page. This one is the hardestto fix, but without doubt the most important. All the clicksin the world won't mean a thing if the sales page you'resending your hard-earned visitors to doesn't get the jobdone. If it's your product, there's hope! You can addressthese issues, and after testing and more testing, cancorrect and come up with a page that sings! If you're anaffiliate, you might consider a separate landing page, whereyou might offer a sincere testimonial in an attempt topresell the product more effectively. (That is not a badstrategy even with a good sales page, as personalrecommendations go a long way!) There you have it. 7 Great ways to lose infinitely more thanyour shirt! Keith Thompson is the webmaster at Internet Marketing Here & Now, where you can find all sorts of information concerning pay-per-click advertising.
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What The Adsense Top Earners Are Doing To Constantly Increase Their Earnings It is really frustrating, is it not, to log into your Google Adsense earnings and find that you've had yet another disappointing day. Another day of making nothing or just a fraction of a penny. Adsense Secrets Pst! Wanna know some Adsense secrets? The only secret is that there are no secrets per se!Do a search for Adsense secrets and you will be bombarded by a myriad of ads by trying to sell you the answers to making lots of money with Adsense.Before you buy anything, my advise to you would be to do some research on a search engine and a bit of common sense. How Does Pay Per Click Marketing Work? So how do people find my website? This is by far the most frequent question asked by businesses wanting to increase the number of visitors to their site.The answer to this question is that there are a number of different ways to attract visitors, these include; search engine optimisation of your website, banner advertising and link campaigns, as well as Pay Per Click. A Smart Trick for Attracting Higher Paying AdSense Ads There are no guarantees in life, so I don't guarantee that following these tips will bring you more money every time. However, I do guarantee that they will greatly increase your chances of pulling more of the top-paying AdSense ads to your site than if you don't follow these suggestions. Discover the Art of the Pay-per-Click Start (Round 1 of 2) Setting up a pay-per-click campaign is simple, right? Practically all paid search engines especially the top-tiered ones like Google Adwords and Overture provide extensive training materials. It is advertised that in less than three hours, you can select your keywords, write your ads and have a campaign either submitted for an editorial review at Overture or active on Google. Paid Search Advertising that Delivers Maximum ROI Paid Search Advertising (also Pay-Per-Click, PPC) has gained a significant influence in the search engine industry over past couple of years. Whilst a traditional search engine optimisation still remains the online marketing strategy number one, more and more e-marketers discovering the potential of online advertising campaigns. Work Your Google AdSense to the Bone! You got your website, you got your AdSense account, you have updated and published your new pages with AdSense code all over it and you are starting to see a little bit of money trickling through - and it is not what you were expecting!Like you, I thought I would be rolling in the AdSense money so fast that I already had my resignation letter printed and signed. That did not happen (yet). 3 Adsense Tips To Dramatically Increase CTR Here are three Adsense Tips, together with the required HTML code, to dramatically increase CTRs and Google Adsense revenue.1. Surefire Google Adwords Formula Success with Google Adwords isn't quite as easy as some would have you believe. Still just about anyone who is persistent can succeed if they'll but implement a consistent testing program. The Truth - Adsense Click Fraud Can NOT be Stopped Your probably reading this article because you use Google Adwords to bring traffic to your website, or your a click fraudster yourself, wanting to see what kind of information I have for you. Most of you click fraudsters will think that I have no idea what I am talking about, and that I do not know your methods. Google Adwords Guide II - Why Use Negative Keywords When you are running a Google AdWords campaign, it is important to include negative keywords. You should consider the use of negative keywords if some of the keywords or keyword phrases in your campaign are broad and generic. 7 Secrets for Pay-Per-Click Success "Pay-for-Performance" or "Pay-per-Click" Internet advertising is making big waves lately, and the two biggest players are Google and Overture, which was recently purchased by Yahoo. Microsoft has since joined the fray with MSN Search and there are numerous other fish (albeit tadpoles) in the pond. Google AdSense Rewards Content with Adversiting Revenue If you've been looking for an easy way to increase your website's revenue, Google AdSense may be your answer.Google AdSense is a phenomenal new advertising revenue program that is taking the Internet by storm. Posturing Yourself As The Expert By Utilizing Google Search First, go to google and type "dan kennedy" into the search box. At the present time I get about 49,200 results!Now, type in "jason blackston" into the search box. Google for Resellers: Leveling the Resell Playing Field With so many people trying to make money on the web and so many products being sold with resell and master resell rights, it's a wonder anyone can make any money at all at it!Indeed, most people don't.Why?Sometimes it's because people get in on the tail end of the product being sold and start trying to resell it just as the original creator decides to start giving it away for free. Advertising Your Home Business With Pay Per Click Can Be Risky An unfortunate byproduct of the pay per click advertising business is click fraud. Many people with an online business spend large amounts of money on pay per click advertising only todiscover that many of the people clicking on their ads weren't really interested in their products or services. MSN PPC Advertising Network Finally Debuts MSN PPC Advertising Long-Awaited Debut AnnouncedYou probably already know that there are really only two major players in the world of PPC advertising: Overture and Google Adwords. By the end of 2005, there will likely be a third: Microsoft's MSN Search. How to Use Pay Per Click Marketing, the Emoneyreport Way! The cycle of affiliate programs and money making ventures goes something like this:John Doe makes niched website.John Doe inserts affiliate links. How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits It seems to be a phenomenon. You try Google AdWords Select, your ad gets "disapproved" by the powers that be at Google, you count your losses and give up. Is Pay Per Click your Best Marketing Bet? You may already have heard of this method to get people to your web site. From my point of view and experience it turns out to be expensive and you have to write the ads yourself, pay for them, and change and maintain them to be the correct ones to work and be the right price in competition with many others. |
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