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Reporting Internet Scams

When it comes to reporting Internet scams most of us either don't have a clue who to contact or just ignore them in our email. But according to an FBI report in December 2004, nearly ten million people last year didn't ignore them and fell for the latest Internet scams. The money those victims lost totaled nearly $5 billion.

That number of victims and their losses are probably much higher because several cases go unreported every year. People either don't want to admit that it happened to them or have no idea who to report it to.

But that's how these thieves get away with Internet email scams for so long without getting caught. The only way to stop these con artists from operating is by reporting Internet scams to the proper authorities.

If you or someone you know has become a victim one of these scams here is where you can report it and do your part to catch these criminals. The best place to report email scams is The Internet Fraud Complaint Center or (IFCC). They are a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). Their web address is:

The IFCC's mission is to address fraud committed over the Internet. For victims of Internet fraud, IFCC provides a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation.

Reporting email scams to The Internet Fraud Complaint Center helps them arrest and convict the criminals that are ruining the Internet for everyone. Anyone should have the right to safe Internet surfing without having to worry about predators stealing their money or their identity.

Identity theft and these recent Internet scams are the fastest growing crimes in America today. You can make the Internet safer for everyone and help put a stop to this terrible crime just by reporting Internet scams to the IFCC. It will make a difference.

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