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The Important Steps To Protect Your Kids on the Internet

Internet is the ocean of knowledge. In this ocean youwill find beautiful pearls of knowledge. Also you mustnot forget the lethal sharks (x rated sites) in thisocean, especially when you allow your innocentchildren to surf on it. The children are morevulnerable when they are using the Internet withoutclose vigil of their parents.

If your unescorted children innocently search theInternet the chances of being they stumble into anadult site, are more. The solution is to keep a watchon their each and every activity, which is next toimpossible.

The Internet is gift for knowledge hungry people; it'salso a good tool for communication and learning. Ifyou use the Internet for doing research & study thenit's a gift for you but if you use Internet forsurfing pornographic sites or chatting withanti-social elements, it will become a curse for youespecially for your unescorted children.

Internet is an essential resource for your children tolearn, read, write and to get knowledge. But as I saidearlier there are some risks to our children when theyare using the Internet hence parents need to be awareof those risks.

Previously the biggest threat for parents was thepornography but the latest threat is live chat rooms.The live chat rooms are the main media where sexhungry people target children in search of satiatingtheir unnatural carnal needs. The online anonymityhelps such people to deceive children easily. Thechildren need to be careful when chatting online with stranger. Children can easily trust anybody. The parents must educate their children for what can happen in live chat since kids may innocently trust on any stranger online.

Read following tips carefully & protect your kids...

First you need to teach yourself the use of theComputer and the Internet. Generally school childrenhave more operating knowledge of computer and Internetthan their parents.

Openly communicate with your children and know theirexpectations from the computer and the Internet

Never keep the computer in kid's bedroom, keep thecomputer in a room where it's easily accessible byparents.

Closely watch kid's online activities.

If every time it's not possible to keep close watchon your kid's online activity, use filter or parentalcontrol software that can block the porn sites andcontrol the chat room activities of your child.

Monitor the kid's inbox and keep close watch onemails they receive. If it's not possible, I willrecommend you to use the parental control with emailmonitoring software.

Educate your child about the importance of onlineprivacy and prevent them from revealing the personalidentity (name, address, and phone number etc.) toonline strangers while chatting.

The most important thing is to give more time toyour kids so that they will not become the victims ofonline predators.

The unescorted children are the popular targets ofpredators. The lack of parental supervision tends thechildren to easily fall in the hands of onlineanti-social elements. I hope that above article willhelp you to protect your kid's privacy while surfingthe Internet.

Krishna Pai is a webmaster and a writer. Get Computer Tutorials, reviews, Hardware & Software Tips, How to guides at

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