SEO Information

Attack Of The Killer Google Zombies!

Don't share this with people of a nervous disposition because I really can't restrain myself any longer.

Picture the scene if you will...

[A conversation last week though it could be this week or the next - it happens all the time...]

Anon: "We want lots of people to find our website but it doesn't seem to be happening for some reason."

Michael: "Can you tell me some of the methods you've been using to market your website?"

Anon: "Well really we're just waiting for Google to update and then we'll be fine. Once that happens our problems will be over."

Michael: "What else are you doing to market your website?"

Anon: "There isn't anything else you can do is there?"

[Michael slaps head..]

In Search Of The Holy Google Grail

Yes - it's the attack of the Killer Google Zombies. People that think Google IS the Internet. Google is not the Internet. Google is not the search engines. Google is one search engine. That's all.

There are millions of Killer Google Zombies out there right now just staring at Google looking to see whether they are ranked on page 124 or 125. Wasting their energy, efforts and life in pursuit of the Holy Google Grail - The Number One Ranking...

The Single Best Way To Get Customers To Your Website

If there is one single and most-important fact I have learned in the past 9 years about how to get customers to your website it is this:

There is no one single way!!!!

If you're looking for the 'magic bullet', the 'ultimate secret', the 'hidden treasure' or any other cheese-tastic analogy that you care to mention - forget it. Stop looking for that one "killer way to explode your website's traffic levels over night" - it doesn't exist.

You need to start seeing the wider picture and leaving the Google Zombies to it. You need to try other search engines, try links, try online advertising, try developing partnerships with other websites, try viral marketing techniques, try dispersing your message on other people's networks, try creating multiple websites for different niches, try an affiliate programme, try getting listed in directories, try launching an email marketing campaign and try tattooing your website address onto your forehead.

Whatever you do please promise me you will try lots of different things and not turn into a Killer Google Zombie!

Learn how to market your website like the professionals in the FREE 7-Part Training Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy":


FROM SEO WITH LOVE  The Manila Times

7 reasons why we love SEO  Search Engine Land

Google Causes Global SEO Tool Outages  Search Engine Journal

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