SEO Information

Selecting The Title Of Your Link Exchanges

I want to touch base with selecting the title of the links that are added to other sites. Adding your link on another site is very important for your search engine saturation and rankings.

More importantly, what title do you chose?

Many seo firms our there now believe that web sites are getting penalized from link swapping. Even today, I had an seo company that wanted my company to link to his site #1 but he would link to my site from his site #2. I don't think so.

For those of you who think that getting people to link to site #1 and then you link to them with site #2 is going to get great responses, your wrong.

That's a whole other topic but I felt it should be addressed.

So here you are, you're about to add your link onto another site, but what do you write for the title?

Well you have to ask yourself a couple of questions 1st.

  • Have you checked your site for key words?

  • Did you create proper meta tags?

  • Are your meta tags reflecting your content?

  • Do you realize that inbound links bring traffic?

So let's address these important issues...

1) Have you checked your pages for key word density?

One of my larger clients came to me trying to get back some of his crucial key phrases within google that he just recently lost. I added his site to my "key word" density program and realized that the key phrases he was attacking didn't leave a single trace within his site.

Here is a great key phrase density checker for those of you who don't have a personal script to help:

When your looking at your page results within the key word analizer, make sure to select one paragraph that best describes that page.

For instance, here are the results for my main page:

web (28) / design (16) / marketing (11) / search (10)

tips (10) / advertising (10) / affordable (10)

web design (8) / business (8) / articles (7) / site (7)

marketing tips (6) / smartads (6) online (6)

newsletter ... etc

These results have been somewhat filtered and made smaller for this example. So taking a look at that, you can start to see what search engines are going to see. There are 2 key phrases that I want to have great search placements with so I chose these two phrases from those words to best fit the title of my main page...

"Affordable Web Design & Internet Marketing Tips"

Notice that I DIDN'T use all the most important words, I only used exactly what I am trying to get when it comes to search terms online.

So now that I have that, I now have a title that I can add on other sites. Depending on whether the link category is about web design or internet marketing, I create the appropriate link.

If I add my site to a web design category, I submit this title...

Affordable Web Design - and link it to my main page.

If I add my site to a web promotion category, I submit this link title...

Either: Internet Marketing / Web Advertising / Marketing Tips / or Internet Marketing Tips

If you take a good look at the results from above, all these title's are perfect for that page.

Here is something you shouldn't do... Don't take ALL the key words from the results above and make them your title like so...

Affordable web design, web design, internet, internet marketing, internet marketing tips.

Read that whole paragraph out loud, sounds stupid doesn't it? I think so 2 and so do search engines.

Don't forget that inbound links bring you A LOT of traffic! It's a fact that inbound links usually give your web site a lot more traffic than search engines do! That's why it's so important not only to select the right title for search engines but to also consider the visitor who will read your title. Make it simple and easy to understand.

Now that you've selected the right title for your main page, get a little more creative and select your most important pages from your site so that you can also analize and select a number of titles for your site. Doing this work before hand will improve your daily marketing arsenal.

I wish you much success with this article!

About The Author

Martin Lemieux
Founder & President
Affordable Web Design & Internet Marketing &

OASES - Online Advertising Search Engine Services


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