SEO Information

Increase Web Site Sales with a SEO Proposal - Part 2

Part I of this article discussed some of the points that should be included in a search engine optimization proposal. Visit the resources section at the bottom of the page if you wish to get a copy of the whole article.

Part 2 will discuss the following topics:

Creation of Meta Information
Site Map Creation
Link Popularity Building
Web Site Load Time and HTML Validation
Downloading and Uploading of Web Pages
Browser Search Engine and Directory Submissions
Compatibility and Resolution Checking

Creation of Meta Information (title, description, keywords)

Meta information is used to provide additional informationabout HTML documents so that the search engine crawlers areable to index the information more accurately.

There are 3 important types of Meta tags as far as searchengine optimization is concerned:

Title tag:

The Title tag is not a Meta tag. However title tags play avital role in your site's rankings. It is these words orphrase that appear in the title of your page in thehyperlink listings on the search engine results. I includethe most relevant and specific keywords or key phrases inthe title tag that best describe the contents of the page.

Meta description tag

This gives a short and concise summary of the content ofyour web page. The description appears in the SEs justbelow the title tag. I ensure that the meta description tagis brief but includes some of your top keywords. The wordsused must inspire the visitor to check your site outfurther. Each page must be customized so all your web pageswill not have the same meta tag descriptions.

Meta keywords tag

Although not as relevant as the other tags mentioned above,the Meta keywords tag is still recognized by some SEs. Iinclude a number of meta keywords for you that are relevantto the content of your web pages.

Site Map Creation

The creation of a site map page enables SE spiders bettercrawling of your site. It also helps visitors to quicklyscan your whole site for relevant information. A link and ashort description of that link is created for each page ofyour site. The site map page is then added to your mainnavigation menu.

Link Popularity Building

Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing toyour site, from other sites on the web. There are otherterms used for Link Popularity, such as Link building, InBound Links, Back Links, etc The Search Engines consideryour site important and rank it higher if other sites linkto your site. There are two types of links you canestablish on the web. One type is to trade links (LinkExchange), where you give a link from the links Page onyour site to the partner sites. The second method is toestablish only "incoming links" also called 'one-way links'or 'non-reciprocal links". With non-reciprocal links, youdo not need to link back to them.

There are several ways of developing Inbound links.

Some of the techniques I follow in one way link buildingare:

a) Submitting to Free Directories

b) Writing articles and submitting to various sites forpublishing to increase the link popularity of your site.

c) Press releases

d) Sending requests to established sites explaining the site quality and asking for links. In the link exchangeprocess, you trade links with prospective partner sites byoffering a link to their site from your own site. I providereciprocal link building services to increase the linkpopularity of your site.

Web Site Load time and HTML Validation

Search Engines don't like sites which take a lot of time toload. They sometimes ignore these sites and place themlower in their index than fast loading sites. Some reasons forslow load times include html errors and bad imageoptimization. Sometimes sites are coded badly which can bea big block for visiting search engine crawlers. I will check your site's load times and make the necessary changesto the html where necessary.

Downloading and Uploading of Web Pages

To make the necessary changes to your site, web pages willneed to be downloaded to my computer. After changes arecompleted the pages will then be uploaded to the server.

Search Engine and Directory Submissions

Your site is submitted by hand to all the major searchengines, directories and some specialized directories. Notall SEs and Directories have the same rules for submission,therefore care will be taken to submit to the appropriatesearch engines by following their specific guidelines.

Browser Compatibility and Resolution Checking

People view sites in different browsers and at differentresolutions. I make sure your site can be viewed in all themajor browsers and in the most common resolutions.Adjustments will be made to the site's code wherenecessary.

Increase Web Site Sales with a SEO Proposal - Part 1 & 2

Why You Need a SEO Maintenance Plan

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)owner and author of

To choose a Search Engine Optimization Plan or SEO Maintenance Plan that fits your web site, visit:


FROM SEO WITH LOVE  The Manila Times

7 reasons why we love SEO  Search Engine Land

Google Causes Global SEO Tool Outages  Search Engine Journal

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