SEO Information

Website Ranking With an Internet Marketing Specialist

On the internet, competition is stronger than ever. There was a time where paying a few bucks to get in Yahoo was enough to generate substantial traffic but marketing websites on the internet got much more complex since. Google is now a major player in the search engine industry and any serious internet marketing specialist and seo expert knows how important it is to get a good website ranking in that popular search engine. Understanding Google's algorythm along with having good html and writing skills can often make the difference between being an amateur or a good internet marketing specialist. Although, many other aspects that we will cover here should be taken into consideration when comes the time to find the right internet marketing specialist for your website.

To start with, you need to define your goals. Are you planning on building a new website or improving an existing one? To get straight to the point, it is a known fact that an internet marketing specialist will have much more to work with if building a new website than if only improving the search engine ranking of an old one. Look at it as if it was a house. Wouldn't it be better if you had a strong foundation? In other words, you can expect better results from your internet marketing specialist when building a new website from scratch. In the other hand, it will also cost you more. Of course, you want to know if the investment would be worth it. The truth is that it depends on the products and services you are offering and any serious internet marketing specialist should be able to give you a clear and realistic portrait of the situation. Try avoiding those internet marketing companies offering guaranteed website ranking cause that could be tricky. Unless the guaranty includes keywords of your choice, which would be very surprising, you could end up with keywords such as "upper ny marketing firm" ranking on the first page of Google's results but who would really search for that exact term? You could also rank well with a decent keyword such as "marketing techniques" and get some traffic from it but sincerely, would you get customers this way or a bunch of students and people trying to learn about marketing techniques?

As mentioned, it is important to first define your goals and evaluate the potential of your website. A good internet marketing specialist should be able to help you go through this process and elaborate a solid strategy. He is the expert, your consultant. This is why you are investing in him. Although, some companies will offer keyword analysis services as a seperate service. There is nothing wrong with this practice and it can actually give you more flexibility in the development of your website. Not having the service at all would be something to worry about!

After elaborating a strategy, your internet marketing specialist will get into the development process. Can he actually build a nice looking website or will he just put a bunch of keywords together along with some html code in order to improve your website ranking? This is an important thing to know before hiring an internet marketing specialist since many of them calling themselves seo (search engine optimizer) don't have any design skills. In addition to your internet marketing specialist, would you also need to hire a web developper and add this to your bill?

Those are just some basic things you need to know before hiring an internet marketing specialist. After optimizing your website for search engines, many other actions can be taken. Can your internet marketing specialist perform those for you? Developping partnerships and content pages, submitting your url to search engines and directories, trading links, writing articles and advertising on the internet are all among other marketing actions that would help improve your online presence and website ranking. It's now up to you to find an internet marketing specialist that could work within your budget!

About The Author

Frank Levert is a graphic/web designer, multimedia artist, copywriter and marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He is now the owner of Netmar Solutions, a company offering a whole spectrum of internet and marketing services for small and medium size businesses.


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