SEO Information

Whats with the Competition? Ever Heard of Cooperation?

I attended the SES Expo in San Jose, CA the other day. It was an hour from my home in Larkspur, CA just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Along the way I was thinking this would be really neat to see, a lot of companies doing the same things really, and to see how they play together.

What a shock. Same old tech business, competition running rampant, and it was really apparent at the iP******* booth where I met a guy who asked me what I did, I told him SEO, Internet Marketing, PPC, and before I could say another thing he says to me "Have a nice day" and walks away. WOW! Warning. Don't do business with those guys!

Look. In this business we're in, we're out to provide services to clients. We do it at different levels. Some of us deliver what the clients expect and we do it because we manage those expectations appropriately. Other beat the crap out of their clients wallets and deliver diddly-squat to them and then gripe when the customers ask for a refund. Some promise to deliver submissions to over 100,000 search engines for $29.95, take the money and then run for the hills never to be seen again. There's a lot of folks doing BAD business out there. So why is there so much competition in our field?


Yes, that's right, an F-Word that does not end in a "k". FEAR of being beaten, fear of sharing the pie. Well I am here to tell you that in the last 2 years I have built a successful business that now is on the verge of several contracts of more than 2 million dollars a piece for SEO. How? Because my business is 100% referral. Is all of that cash? No. Why not? Because it's equity in other companies. Cash is not about building wealth. It's about blowing the ever-loving-wad when you get it and living on the edge. Equity is about building long-term wealth and finding ways to get into companies and provide a legacy for the future.

There were about 6 companies at SES that I saw that were not afraid of the cooperation model of sharing business. I have their cards in my hand and will be contacting them to get them a piece of the pie that I speak of.

Believe me, in today's world, with over 68 million domains registered, there's more than enough for all of the great SEO, PPC & Internet Marketing companies to pool resources and stay busy for the next 10 years and beyond. How do I know? Because the market is not slowing down, the information age is still with us, but it's how that information is delivered to our clients that makes us needed. We ensure that it's delivered in a correct, concise fashion, and we market to users who need us.

So get over the FEAR, and next time someone approaches you and says they do the same thing as you do, embrace it, congratulate them on their successes, and even offer a tip or two. When they use that tip and it helps them close that deal they've always wanted, they'll remember you, and perhaps refer some business. Pay it forward. Great movie...great mantra.

I got a lot of that at a place called the IBI Free Enterprise Forum where I now teach. is the link to that place. And I hope at the next forum when you see me, you'll tell me you read this article and it inspired you to take your business into a world of cooperation and sharing.

I wish iP******* no ill-will, just suggest that they change business. Because you never know who you're meeting at these events, and I was in search of a partner for just one of my million dollar contracts. Obviously you're not my choice.

Best to all, and thanks for being at SES.

Michael Murdock, CEO

Former Lead Macintosh, PC & Unix Systems Engineer at PIXAR Animation Studios. Now runs DocMurdock, a highly successful website optimization & internet marketing company. Has helped companies make literally billions of dollars on the web due to recommendations and consultations that allow for changing of service models. Stresses cooperation, not competition and teaches at a Free Enterprise Forum in Los Angeles, CA.


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