SEO Information

SEO Information

Top 5 Search Engine Optimization Mistakes

There are a lot of ways to promote your website and, unfortunately, a lot of these methods are mistakes. Here is a list of some of the more common mistakes (often referred to as Black Hat SEO) that you should steer well clear of.

Yahoos Back!

I was all set to write an article predicting the future of search engines, when Yahoo dropped Google and replaced it with its own engine. Now that's big news.

How to Make More Money with Your Mambo 4.5.1 Site

For those of you who are not familiar with Mambo - it is an easy to use content management system that can be freely downloaded from http://www.mamboserver.

Search Engine Optimization --- An Overview

Search engine optimization is one of most popular online marketing tool for any website. With most websites looking forward to increasing the online sales of their products/services, search engine optimization can be a very cost-effective tool to target and procure your customers online.

Six Reasons Why Your Alexa Rating Is Still Important

1. Additional Exposure For Your Site.

Site Maps: A Force To Be Reckoned With

Another important component of search engine optimization is the use of site maps. If you want visitors -- and search engine spiders -- to find every page on your Web site, a site map can be your biggest ally especially if you have a lot of content on your site (and if you've been reading all the advice on our site, you should know by now that the more content you have the better your chances are for top ranking).

How To Syndicate Your Content

Note: In order to preserve the proper format for the HTML code snippet in this article, copy and paste the article into Notepad, then copy and paste it from Notepad into your HTML web page.-----------------------------Do you have regularly updating content that you would like to make available to other websites? Perhaps a computer tip of the day, a daily recipe, or even a daily cartoon?Do you want to give your website more exposure, boost sales, enhance your search engine rankings, or grow your newsletter subscriber list?A fast and easy way to accomplish all of these goals is by using content syndication.

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a website by achieving a high ranking in the search results of a search engine (i.e.

Why Top Search Engine Placements Never Move?

#1 question when it comes to web advertising is how do I get top 10 search engine placements for the terms I wish to aquire?Without getting into how to aquire #1 placements (Since there are virtually 100's of articles explaining these techniques), let's instead look into how companies who do end up aquiring them, never seem to loose them..

Search Engines 101 - Search Engines Explained

What Are Search Engines?A search engine is a database system designed to index and categorize internet addresses, otherwise known as URLs (for example, http://www.submittoday.

Do You Submit Your Website To All The Search Engines?

There is really only one search engine to worry about submitting too and that is Google and you should only submit one page your main once and maybe a sitemap a week later but never more than once a week. If you have a link coming to your new site from a site that is currently listed in Google then Google will find you quicker.

Supply & Demand - Stop Attacking Good SEO Companies!

As I read the latest news online about what Google has done to many webmasters all over the world, I am left discussed towards some of the comments people are making against SEO Companies.Please don't be quick to blame seo companies.

Buzzwords vs Effective SEO Keywords

Ever see a website that seems to speak a foreign language..

Link Popularity --- Its Role and Importance In Getting Top Search Engine Rankings

Introduction"Link Popularity" - these words may have caught your attention several times while you have been searching the Internet for tips on optimizing your website for top search engine rankings. Link popularity means popularizing a particular link of a website by increasing the number of websites that link to that site.

Googles Next Big Move

November 2003 might go down in history as the month that Google shook a lot of smug webmasters and search engine optimization (SEO) specialists from the apple tree. But more than likely, it was just a precursor of the BIG shakeup to come.

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