Site Promotion Information

Web Site Promotion: Use Web Site Awards To Increase Your Credibility

Web Site Awards are given from other sites to reward your site for a specific reason.

They will usually give you an award graphic or text link to include on your site if you win.

Awards are great to display on your Web site because they will give your business more credibility to your visitors and customers.

Webiste award is one website promotion that you can use tomake your website popular.

Some things your Web site could be awarded for are:

Web Design


Load Time

Web Features

Ease of use


If you think you have a chance to win one of these awards submit your Web site to the sites that give out web awards.

Visit other peoples Web sites and see what awards they have won.

Only register for awards that are related to the content of your Web site; this helps promote your site to your targeted audience.

Before you register to win an award, make sure your Web site is ready. Your sites content spelling and grammar should be correct.

It should be easy to navigate through your Web site. Graphics should be related to the content on your page.

Create your own awards site for other Web sites. Give the winners a graphic or text link to place on their Web site when they win.

This will link your Web site to theirs and draw more traffic to your Web site.

May this website promotion secret help you to make a lot of money.


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Promotion for Christiaan Triebert  The New York Times Company

Promotions  Rocky Mountaineer

Store.  Apple Newsroom

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