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Web Site Promotion: How To Use The Power Of Perpetual Marketing To Heat Up Your Sales

You may ask, what is perpetual marketing?

Perpetual marketing means when a large number ofpeople promote one web site so they can all receivethe traffic generated by each other.

It is a little known web site marketing secret that any online marketer can use to magnify his/her sales.

For example, you decide to create a free ebook thatyou will give away to your web site visitors. You aska large number of e-zine owners to give away theebook in exchange for their ad in the ebook.

You can just ask them to link directly to your web site When they promote the ebook. You, of course, will haveone of your own ads on that web page.

Let's say you get 8 out of 20 e-zine owners that agreeto giveaway the ebook. The 8 e-zines total subscriberbase is 75,000.

Now, you can ask more e-zine owners if they wouldlike to promote the ebook in exchange for an ad insidethe ebook.

This time you can say, you already have 8 e-zines already promoting the ebook with a subscriber base of 75,000.

The next group of e-zine owners you ask will be moretempted to promote your ebook because there is agreater chance they will receive a lot of traffic fromthe deal. It's win/win situation!

Do you understand the power of perpetual marketing?You could have 20 or 30 e-zines promoting your website at no-cost, very quickly! You could create a new,free ebook every month and repeat the process.

This isn't the only way to use perpetual marketing.You don't just have to contact e-zine publishers youcould do the same with web site owners. You coulduse a total monthly visitor total as motivation.

It doesn't have to be just an ebook either. It could bea contest you're holding on your web site. You couldplace the other web site's ads on the contest page inexchange for them promoting the contest.

These are only a few ways to use perpetual marketing.You could use your own imagination to create newways to use perpetual marketing that will increase yourtraffic and sales.

May these web site promotion secrets help you to make a lotof money.


I-key Benney, CEO

I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (home based business) program, which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs.

Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?


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