Site Promotion Information

Online Promotion: Five Extraordinary Online Promotion Secrets To Sky-rocket Your Sales

Do you want to achieve extra-ordinary success in your online promotion campaign?

If yes, here are some online promotion secretsto help you:

1. Holding a contest or sweepstakes is an proven wayto promote your web site. You can announce your siteto hundreds of web sites that list free contests andsweepstakes. Send out a press releases about yourcontest or sweepstakes. Ask entrants to your contestor sweepstakes if they would accept offers from yourbusiness in the future by e-mail.

2. Use online chat rooms to promote your web site.Find the right chat room where your targeted audiencewould gather. Announce to everyone in the chat roomsomething interesting or free that's offered on yourweb site. This will draw visitors to your web site.Always be aware of chat room rules before engagingthe visitors in a sales pitch that could be consideredspam.

3. Cross promote your web site with other sites. I tryto find other web sites. that have the same targetaudience, but are not in direct competition with mybusiness. Doing cross promotions with other businesses

increases your profits, sales, and beat your competition.You can find businesses to cross promote all over theInternet.

4. You can easily promote your web site by using trafficgenerators. It could be a free e-zine, service, e-book,contest etc. Giving away traffic generators gives you theopportunity to get free advertising by including your adon them . There are online directories that will also letyou submit your freebie information. You can even letother people give away your traffic generators.

5. Posting messages to e-mail discussion lists is a greatway to promote your web site An e-mail discussion listis a group of people connected together via e-mail thatcan communicate with one another. When you post amessage to a list include your signature file at the end.Include an attention getting sentence why they shouldvisit your web site.

May you succeed in your online promotion and make a lotof money.


I-key Benney, CEO

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