Site Promotion Information

Website Promotion: 10 Power Secrets To Keep Your Profits Rolling

Here are 10 power secrets to help your website promotion and keep your profit rolling:

1. Give people a free online utility. When you offera utility that can solve a person's problem, peoplewill definitely visit your web site.

2. Offer a free affiliate/reseller program. When youoffer people a free opportunity to make money theywill line up to visit your web site.

3. Supply news stories related to your site. Peoplewant current news on the topics they are interestedin. You could also include new "how to" articles.

4. Offer your visitors a free community. People liketo have a place were they can have discussions withothers on a particular subject.

5. Make people feel safe when they order. Explainto them you won't sell their e-mail address and alltheir personal information will be kept confidential.

6. Offer free samples or trials of your product. Thiswill let people experience your product and attractpeople to your web site.

7. Make your ad copy attractive. Your ad shouldlists benefits before the features. Include guaranteesand testimonials in your ad.

8. Remind people to come back and visit your site.They usually don't purchase the first time. The moretimes they visit, the greater the chance they'll buy.

9. Let people know anything about your businesshistory. They'll feel more comfortable if they knowwho they are buying from.

10. Give people as many ordering options. Acceptcredit cards, checks, money orders, and other formsof electronic payments.

May these website promotion secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed


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