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Kick-Off Your Web Traffic Virus!

Have you noticed lately how savvy webmasters are usingsimple, content-rich articles to pull-in more targeted*traffic* to their Web Site audience without spendinga dime on promotion or advertising?

It's a fact: content is KING on the Internet. Heavytraffic Web Sites and BIG Newsletter directoriesare on the lookout for FRESH, original content inthe form of articles, interviews, news and reviews.

People need information desperately. They are eagerto read something NEW and interesting that capturestheir attention. We live in the information age,and information sells, both in print or online.

Believe it or not, writing & publishing articles on theWeb IS one of the BEST marketing strategies one can use tocreate an instant avalanche of 'FREE' quality *traffic*to their Web Site.

Here comes the most exciting part ... the type of *traffic*that you receive by publishing articles on the Internetconverts far better than any other 'PAID' tactic youever heard of (e.g. PPC, Classifieds, FFA links, Banners,Safe Lists, etc.)

Astonishing, isn't it?

And that doesn't take into account the fact that, once your article IS published online, it spreeds like wild-fire, regardless the product, service, or information youpromote / *sell* in your resource box - the signatureline at the bottom of your article.

But there is just one small catch...

Your article should be informative, well-written, withno poor grammar, typos or errors. More than that, youshould follow a set of guidelines before publishing it,otherwise most webmasters and Newsletter list ownerswon't accept your content, regardless its quality.

These rules vary from publisher to publisher, so it's agood idea to study each Web Site or Newsletter publishing guidelines before submitting your article to them.

Fair enough?

Ok, I must let you in on a 'secret' now ...

Writing & publishing articles online is the 'BEST' promotional tactic used by TOP marketing 'Gurus'. You'd be a fool notto ADD this powerful tactic to your overall marketing arsenal.

What makes this system effective and viral?

Usually, Web Site owners and Newsletter publishers will postyour article to their Web Sites / Newsletter (they are reallyhungry for FRESH content!), the search engines (e.g. Google) will index those pages, and you end up getting traffic fordays, weeks, months, sometimes even years - after youpreviously publish your content (article).

Listen, I'm not kidding around. Writing articles it reallyhelps to ...

- boost your exposure on the Web and get more hits,sign-ups, downloads, trials, orders

- become an EXPERT in your field and form NEW allianceswith better known Joint Venture partners while gettingthe BEST business offers & opportunities

- turn visitors into loyal, long-term customers whoorder from you again and again as well as recommendingyou to their friends and business partners.

To conclude ... if you need tons of NEW visitors to your Web Site for weeks, months, even years... without spendingmoney on advertising, then start writing articles right away.

You have no excuses, start your own *traffic* virus nowand receive lasting *traffic*, expert status and moreincome than you can handle.

Codrut Turcanu offers a *free* Course by e-mail:"Top 6 Ways to GET 300% More FREE Targeted VisitorsTo Your Web Site and Finally Make More Money Online"


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