Software Information

Free PDF Publishing Software

In a previous article, I wrote about OpenOffice which an excellent suite of Free Office software which is in the Public Domain.

What I did not know is that the Writer (word processing) program creates PDF files too.

I have uninstalled MS Word because OpenOffice opens all my old Word Documents and I like OpenOffice better than MS Word.

How To Create a PDF File for Free

After OpenOffice is installed, open any Word document or create a new document with the OpenOffice Word processor.

Now simply click the PDf creator button located on the Function Bar.

Another way to do this is to select Export As pdf from the File Menu.

That's all there is to it.

Generate PDF for Free or pay $95

The created PDF document is a regular PDF file except it has no bells and whistles. This is a bare bones PDF Creator.

For example, hyperlinks do not work within the PDF file and I have not figured out how to create the handy navigation menu. For this you will need to buy the full version PDF Writer from Adobe.

But what the hell, I have seen DOC to PDF converters selling for as much as $95 and they too have the same limitations as OpenOffice.

In my opinion, OpenOffice has the best Office software and now with this latest version, the best Free PDF creation software too.

Ed Zivkovic operates Home Business Webmaster Tips and loves to visit


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