Software Information

Things You Can Do With Windows XP!

Did you ever give a thought to the number of things you can do with Windows XP? Take your own time and think... I hope you remember few basic and easy things if you are not new to Windows family. Check it out the following paragraph.

Welcome To Windows XP!

Here you have, once again a new operating system of the Microsoft Windows family. But as usual every new version of software is updated with some specific new features that helps the user in dealing with day to day PC usage.

Lets find out what is Windows XP?Windows XP is an Operating System that you run on a computer.

May be you can have this question. Well! What is Operating System?

Good question! Operating System is an interface software between Man (User) and Machine (Computer ). It is very simple. You might already be familiar with it.

You might ask yourself "What is this software ?"Well! I was expecting this question. Software is nothing but set of instructions or code, which is provided by programmers to computers. So that computer will work according to this code or instructions. Bottom line is computer is nothing but a machine which works on instructions of human beings.

What makes computer different from the other machines or devices?Very fine! Oh! Never ending questions. "Intelligence!!!" That's right computer contains electronically design artificial intelligence in it. That works like brain, with pre instructed material for particular job.

Back to XP! Here I present you with a list of things you can do in XP. It is a huge list, but what I mention here are some basic things which you can do on your stand-alone (Single Home) computer or Personal Computer (PC).

My main intention is to provide knowledge to the beginners and some experts who are usually busy with other activities that they don't have time to do trial and error. Believe me I am also one of you guys, but it is my habit to write what ever trial and error I make on any software.

You might be...

Starting and Shuttingdown Windows XP

* Start Windows XP
* Shutdown Windows XP
* Restart Windows XP

Logging in and logging off users

* User Log Off
* User Log On
* Switch User

Managing Files and Folders

* Create files
* Create folders
* Organizing files in a folder
* Copying files in another folder
* Moving files from one folder to another
* Deleting files from a folder
* Deleting folder itself
* Recovering deleted files
* Renaming files and folders
* Searching or finding files and folders

Entertainment Accessories

* Drawing images
* Watching movies
* Listening music
* Playing computer based games

Internet Configuration

* Configuring your internet account
* Proxy settings for Internet Explorer
* Surfing on internet
* Checking and Sending Emails

Managing disks

* Formatting hard disk
* Making partitions
* Deframenting the hard Disk
* Scan Disk
* Formatting floppy disk

Playing with Control Panel Options

* Desk Top settings
* Adjusting date and time
* Adding fonts
* Adjusting keyboard and mouse settings
* Managing Power options
* Changing language
* Finding out System configuration
* Managing User Accounts
* Scheduling different tasks
* Installing other software applications like MS Office, Oracle etc.
* Installation of new drivers for your hardware peripherals.
* Configuring printer

I hope you like this article. I am trying my best to provide you the simplest information. Please feel free to comment. Your suggestions and comments are appreciated and helps me to improve the quality of the information.

Author is the owner of Computer Learning Center website. Where people learn basic and advance computers. Also they learn about how to make money by using their home based computers.

From the Desk of
Mohammed Amerullah Qureshi


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