Software Information

Microsoft CRM Data Conversion FAQ

Microsoft Business Solutions CRM data conversion deserves FAQ type of article, where IT people could get initial directions. Even if it seems as a trivial task, we would suggest you to think about these possible scenarios: objects mapping between your legacy CRM: GoldMine, ACT, Siebel, Lotus Notes Domino. When you think about MS CRM switch over - do you think just to transfer master records: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, or you are thinking about historical activities: emails, faxes, calls, appointments, etc?

? MS CRM Import tool. You can import contact and leads using MS CRM import, your source files should be text files and import tool doesn't validate duplicates, dirty records and similar potential pitfalls. Well, Import wizard comes free with MS CRM purchase, but in our opinion, you should just continue reading and go to the next bullet.

? Scribe. This is the first professional level option you should consider. The nicety of scribe lays in the fact that it has mappings for ACT for example and you will need just select the destination. Again, please understand that each CRM solutions has its own master and activity objects categories. Scribe should resolve 85% of your conversion issues and if not you should check with scribe. Some issues are not resolvable in scribe: Siebel email attachments, records duplications and others.

? Microsoft CRM SDK. MS CRM SDK is the ultimate tool to migrate whatever is possible and impossible into MS CRM. However - we have to warn you that in this case we have to do custom data conversion and our programmers dedicate their time to help you out. We expect your participation in objects mapping. Plus you should be ready to allocate substantial time to test the conversion, prior to going live. So, the expectations should be set that your have to budget 50 hours or more

? Security Model Concerns. Microsoft CRM has advanced security model, and technically it can serve up to large corporation with regional and worldwide offices. In this case you usually deploy objects sharing technique and deploy teams and role (MS CRM Business Units and Sales Territories doesn't allow your CRM users to be in multiple units or at the same time serve several territories). If initial data conversion requires security consideration - you should consider MS CRM SDK approach - even if you have to pay higher price for the conversion. Large business should consider the risk of exposing records to unauthorized employees

? MS CRM Integration. Using MS CRM SDK you can integrate CRM with your third party financial applications, such as Navision, Axapta, Solomon, Oracle Financials, SAP, PeopleSoft. Software Development Kit allows you to integrate your custom SQL, DB2, Oracle or other ODBC and OLEDB complaint application.

Currently we are confident in MS CRM ability to automate the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Advertising & Publishing, Distribution & Logistics, Beverages, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Pharmaceutical, Nonprofit, Healthcare/Hospitals, Wholesale/Retail, Manufacturing/Assembling, International Business/Multinational Corporation, Government.

You can always have us help you, give us a call: 1-630-961-5918 or 1-866-528-0577,

Andrew Karasev is consultant and CTO in Alba Spectrum Technologies ( ) - Microsoft Business Solutions partner, serving clients in Illinois, New York, California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Virginia, Minnesota, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Asia, Russia. He is Microsoft Great Plains certified master, Great Plains Dexterity, Microsoft CRM SDK C#.Net, Crystal Repots developer. You can reach Andrew:


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