Software Information

The Truth: Netzero 3G

We've all seen the ads on TV for Netzero 3G. You know the ones, "speeds so fast you sworn it was broadband" Well if your using it, you may not think it really is. We're going to break down the truth behind, Netzero 3G.

Netzero explains the idea of their service perfectly. It can be found on the 3G website, but is hidden, you have to push the "More Details and Limitations" button at the very bottom. To save you some time here's what it says?

"Speed reference based upon comparison to nationally available dial-up ISPs. NetZero HiSpeed 3G accelerates certain web page text and graphics when compared to standard dial-up Internet service. Actual results may vary. Some web pages such as secure or encrypted web pages will not be accelerated. NetZero HiSpeed 3G is not a broadband service and actual data transmission rates are not faster than standard dial-up Internet service. Transmission of files including, without limitation, streaming audio or video, digital photographs, MP3 or other music files, executable files and other downloads, is not faster using NetZero HiSpeed 3G than with standard dial-up service."

We'll break this down line by line for you, so you know exactly what they're talking about.

"NetZero HiSpeed 3G accelerates certain web page text and graphics when compared to standard dial-up Internet service."

This is where it really all comes into place. This means that the 3G service only speeds up text and graphics. Which is great for normal browsing, but if you're downloading music, loading flash movies, java applets, things like that, it's going to make no difference.

"Some web pages such as secure or encrypted web pages will not be accelerated."

To put this in terms that you might understand, this means that if your ordering anything online via credit card (or most other payments) it will not be accelerated, so it's a glimpse back to normal dial-up life.

"NetZero HiSpeed 3G is not a broadband service and actual data transmission rates are not faster than standard dial-up Internet service"

What this means is that the speed that data is sent into your home is no faster than regular dial-up. Why? Because the phone cord and port can only carry so much information, the only way to speed it up is if they transferred it to your house through a cable port, which in turn would make it broadband.

"Transmission of files including, without limitation, streaming audio or video, digital photographs, MP3 or other music files, executable files and other downloads, is not faster using NetZero HiSpeed 3G than with standard dial-up service"

Another very important part, this means what it says, if your watching video online it won't be sped up, audio nope. If you're looking at family photos in an online album, don't expect faster speeds. Downloading music files, nope. Downloading programs, nope. Nothing is sped up with the exception of normal text and simple graphics.

As you can see Netzero 3G is nothing more than over hyped dial-up. If you want to take out word for it, don't go anywhere near it. Look for a truly faster alternative such as cable or DSL.

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