Traffic Building Information

The Only Traffic Secret Youll Ever Need For Your Home Based Business

So what is this all important secret? It can generate you 1000's of free visitors to your site plus hundreds of links and sales.

The experts have been using it for years though chances are you haven't thought much about it.

Well, the answer is....

**Drum Roll Please**

"Posting On Popular Forums and Discussion Boards"

I kid you not, I routinely use this method to rack up 1000-2000 visitors a month for free to my website of choice.

There's an art though, here are a few ways for you to maximize your returns when posting for traffic that very few people ever use:

1. The Title

Think about it - Just like the subject of an e-mail gets you to read it, the title of a post or response can make or break your efforts.

Use something to evoke curiosity in the reader and get the all important click when 100's of other posts are competeing for attention.

2. Give value

I think this is a no brainer but some people (you'll see them) don't get this point yet. Don't be afraid to answer someones question if you know or share a helpful resource with the group.

You'll reap the rewards doing this extra step I promise.

3. The Signature

If you don't know what a signature is, it's a little ad at the bottom of every single post you make or respond to and is the key to getting traffic to your site.

Every forum has a way to set this up, use good ad copy and if you're stuck read over some other peoples sigs to get ideas.

Copyright © 2005 John Stafford

John Stafford is the owner of: Research Your Home Business - Cutting edge ideas, resources and strategies for your home based business online


A Guide to Executive Function  Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

DPW Building Fire  Anne Arundel County

Return-to-Office Traffic Reaches Record Level  Commercial Property Executive

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