Traffic Building Information

How to Increase Backlinks and PageRank of Your Website? Bring Buyers Traffic on Your Website!

Search Engines Optimization:

Your website must be good optimized by various SEO techniques. Before starting increasing Backlinks for your website you need to check following things must be done properly.

1. Your website must have properly designed, no broken links on your website, Internal Linking structure must be designed properly.

2.Title, description, keywords, anchor text must me properly placed.

Backlinks and PageRank:

Google Gives PageRank for every web pages of your website. (Download Google Toolbar to Check PageRank of your website). PageRank depends on Backlinks. If your WebPages having number of Backlinks from various websites then your WebPages can get good PageRank.

You need to improve PageRank of your every page of your web site because Google gives PageRank for every page so that your website can get good traffic from every page.

Increase Backlinks and PageRank from following activities:

1. Register your website in various leading search engines.

2. Register your website in countrywide search engines

3. Register your website in Industry wide Search engines and Business to Business Directories.

4. Register your website in subject wise Search engines.

5. Create RSS for your website and make sitemap.xml for submissions in various RSS Submissions websites. What is RSS? Rich Site Summary, is an XML format for

Syndicating Web content. RSS allow other sites to publish some of its content creates an

RSS document and registers the document with an RSS publisher.

6. Translate your website in various languages so that your website will get many WebPages and your Internal linking structure will improve as well as your website will also get many keywords in various languages.

7. Exchange Backlinks with various Reciprocal links exchange websites webmasters.

8. Create Online Stores on various websites.

9. Publish Press Release with your website link in various pr websites.

Yogesh Ahire is e-Marketing Consultant In Mumbai/India and Author of ebook "e-Marketing Whitebook"



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