Traffic Building Information

How to Get Your Traffic to Take Off in a Hurry without Paying a Dime

The desire of every webmaster and in fact anybody with some sort of web presence, it to increase their traffic in a hurry. Higher traffic automatically means more revenue for the website, it hardly matters what the websites' business is. Increasing traffic is hard work and usually takes time. One can however work hard at doing the following things and speed up the process.

Submission to online directories Many online directories have an option for free submission of sites. Despite this there are still many webmasters who do not take advantage of this. Submission to directories definitely improves search engine rankings which are the key to high traffic coming in the direction of your websites. The trick is to allocate some time every day for this search engine optimization task.

Articles writing and posting Articles really work miracles when it comes to increasing traffic in a hurry. This is mainly because they efficiently accomplish two important traffic tasks. Articles are very effective search engine optimization tools and they are also effective in getting any site immediate traffic. Search engine rankings are greatly influenced by the number of quality links pointing to your site. Well written informative articles posted all over the net instantly create links to your site, but there is something else that happens automatically and constantly. And that is, if the article is any good, it will get re-posted often and a viral effect will take over that will increase links to your site further. Only this time, it is without any effort on your side. This is also something that will continue forever and can reach a point where it will be rapid and end up giving a single site hundreds of thousands of links. This will dramatically improve your search engine ranking and thus the traffic you receive from the search engines. Informative articles will also tend to act very quickly in getting traffic to a site once they have been posted in just a few high traffic article directories and sites.

Give incentives for current visitors to refer others The next thing to do is to build up on the traffic that you are already receiving. Go out of your way to encourage your visitors to refer their friends and acquaintances to your site. There are various viral marketing techniques that can be used here. One of the ones that has proved to be extremely effective is the idea of starting an affiliate program. That is exactly how giant sites like Amazon grew into their current size. Carefully study other sites similar to yours and decide what the most effective viral marketing technique for you will be.

About the author: S. Rosendahl is a Technical Executive Writer for Website Source, Inc. Her established writing skills coupled with experience in the website hosting industry have provided internet professionals with marketing, product and service ideas for many years.


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