Traffic Building Information

10 Tips on How to Increase Your Website Traffic

Not so long ago I had read an article about a woman who dramatically increased her page ranking from article submissions on her new website. That that was a fact I already knew, just like many other Internet Marketers. However, that article was the needed inspiration I needed for me to make some changes with my daily online business habits.

Since I started studying the changes in my online traffic, the effects on adding content to your website and the change in search engine rankings, I've learned the importance of writing what you know and sharing it with others out there on the Internet.

I never took submitting and writing articles on a consistent basis too seriously when I first started my home based business. Part of the reason was because I was not confident enough to share what I knew with others. Sure I posted a few articles, but I never posted those articles to as many directories and ezines that would accept my article.

Now before you go about thinking it might NOT be necessary to write an article periodically, take a look at some of the facts I have taken more seriously and learned as a result of posting articles online.

10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles Online:

1. Posting an article online has more of a dramatic affect than one might think for your home based business. Posting articles online builds the needed momentum of website traffic in the form of increased popularity and other sites linking to your site. All of those sites linking to you are one way links!

2. As you begin to submit more articles to more directories, your list of places for submitting articles will keep expanding.

3. Submitting to websites regularly will add more popularity to your website. This is the easiest way to improved your link popularity as well as your increased website traffic.

4. Most directories usually will let you include a resource box with your name and your website link with your article. Your website address will be found every time someone reads your article, creating more one way links to your site.

5. Most article directory websites store submitted articles in their archives. Since the search engine spiders love content, these sites are crawled often. This means YOU will benefit from the traffic and hyperlinks from each of your archived articles on their website.

6. The more articles you consistently write and distribute, the more you will become known as an expert for your home based business. The more you provide informative articles, your business will be given extra credibility which will help you to compete against your competition.

7. The more exposure your articles get for you, the more you will see your content showing up all over the Internet. Increasing the level of awareness and popularity builds credibility. Increased credibility may lead to requests to write other articles and improved sales of your product or service.

8. The more articles that you submit to major article directories, the more likely your content will be used for wider publication. The main reason why this occurs is because many newsletter and ezine publishers like to use article directories to search for good quality content for their articles.

9. Adding content that is useful for both the readers and to the search engines will gain in your website popularity. By posting your articles in popular directories, you are more likely to be chosen for a featured article in a newsletter and have several webmasters republish your article on their website.

10. If you have a blog or RSS syndication, you should submit your articles written in your blog to article directories. The most overlooked source of traffic for a blog is through article submission. You can turn your longer posts into articles and submit them to ezines or directories.

In Summary, make sure each article is written to inform and appeal to the reader, so that they are getting useful information from you. Once you start writing articles, be more systematic about submitting new ones on a regular basis so they built momentum.

You will find the articles already posted have been hard at work for me because they are free advertising from other people to post on their web sites. You will start getting the traffic and attention you'd been wishing for in months to come.

Best of luck in your writing endeavors,

Jennifer Schilling

Copyright © 2005 Jennifer Schilling

Jennifer Schilling is a home business a mentor.
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