Web Design Information

How To Use Unsafe Web Colors With Minimum And Safety And Maximum And Profit

Do you want to use unsafe web colors without offending anyone? You can and you can do it by using JavaScript. It will determine which style tag the user uses by looking at whether it can use unsafe colors. This can get quite complicated for a large web site. You can save these as external Javscript files and use them in a common template. You can even use them in combination with cookies to determine whether they can have unsafe web banner advertising.

I have heard about this problem for years but there seems to be no easy solution. Then I started experimenting with JavaScript and found that not only does it work, but it can be easily accomodated in yesterday's browsers with a minimum of fuss.

The Javascript code starts like this. You define the colordepthand then determine if it is limited to 256 (2 to the eight power) colors.

var color=screen.colorDepth;
if (color


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