Web Development Information

Web Development Information

Functions and Subroutines in ASP

Functions and Subroutines in ASP If you read our Tutorial on Include Files (SSI) then you learned how to encapsulate ASP code within include files and the benefits it brings us. As developers, we should endeavour to make our lives easier wherever possible.

Server Side Includes (SSI) with ASP

Server Side Includes (SSI) with ASP People often have identical sections of code spread throughout many ASP pages, typically code at the top of the page (usually referred to as the header) and the lower part of the page (the footer). Similarly, you may have code that performs a certain set of instructions that you are repeating across multiple pages.

The Topic Of Your Website

The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, it's me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is.

Ecommerce for Beginners

Like most average persons, I wanted some extra money to supplement my regular income. I had considered a part time second job at times, but hated that option because it would take me away from the family, make me more tired and probably just pay minimum wage.

What is The Google Toolbar?

No matter what browser you may want to use, you should consider using Google's toolbar. Google.

What is Blogger.com?

In the late 1990's three San Francisco based web developers came up with the idea of being able to share information about anything on the web. The terminology they used was called blog.

How To Write More Powerful Online Text

Although there are significant differences among the various types of online communication, there all have one critical thing in common - they're read off a screen. There are substantial benefits, too, in that while your message is on someone's screen usually it has their undivided attention.

What Hosting Companies Dont Tell You, Could Hurt You?

Did you know that hosting companies overcrowd their servers despite all the issues caused by servers running hundreds of accounts? Are you aware of what happens if your website is hosted on a server that's overcrowded? You're probably thinking to yourself, "what do you mean overcrowd their servers?" Overcrowded servers mean big money for your hosting company, but also big problems for your website.Hosting companies are willing to sacrifice the success of your website in order to build their own profit.

Effective Webdesign

D.zigns dzignerwebs The Basics Before starting on how to design a website effectively, how about clearing some basic web design concepts? Designing Effectively Now that you know what web design and related terms mean, lets get down to the real thing: Designing Effectively How to balance artistic design with practicality and functionality.

Optimal Website Design

Optimal website design is the art of logical navigation.It will offer consistency while providing useful, quality information that is attractive to the eye and easy to understand.

Adding Word Rich Content to Your Website

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.Adding Word Rich Content to your Website.

Making Your Websites More Compelling

The Internet is a remarkable publishing medium. With just a little effort, you can make your web pages visually irresistible by playing with color, shapes and text.

The Power Is In The Pipes: How To Get Maximum Leverage From Your Website

What is the most important part of your online business?Many people would say: "my website". And that'sunderstandable - it's the most visible part of an internetbusiness.

Things to Consider Before Starting a Website

In the time that I have been using the Internet, (since 1996) I have seen a lot of websites.  I have seen a lot of good websites and I have seen a lot that were just plain awful.

Web Designer? You Dont Need No Stinkin Web Designer!

RIVERSIDE, CA August 4, 2004 -- "Historically, small business owners have had a limited number of options to choose from when it comes to the development of an on-line presence," says Pat Spinelli, owner of The Web Site Tutor, a Riverside, California 1. web site design and training firm.

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