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How to Create Sizzling Sales online

"Don't Sell the Steak, Sell the Sizzle."

Have you heard of this phrase before? It has been widely regarded as "principle number one of salesmanship" as far back as 1936.

What does this phrase mean? Selling the sizzle means making it possible for the prospect to salivate for your product or "steak". If you are really selling the sizzle to the steak, you will be connecting with your prospect with his/her sense of smell, sight and sound. He or she will be catching the whiff of the steak cooking on the barbeque pit, see the steak oozing in juice and hear the sizzle on the pit!

This concept makes perfect sense if you want to experience fantastic sales. So if you are an internet marketer, how do you write your online ad copy or sales letter such that you can connect with your prospects' senses? Here is a "buffet" of 10 tips on how you can sell the sizzle:

1. Let your enthusiasm show.

Be enthusiastic and positive in your sales copy. People are attracted to a sales letter that is upbeat and captivating.

2. Show your expert status.

Spell out to your prospects about how their problems can be solved through your expert advice. You should offer great value and make the customer feel that he is well taken care of, in your charge

3. Your attitude determines your altitude.

Have a good attitude by encouraging feedback and questions and answering your emails as quickly as you can. People generally want to know how much you care before they start doing business with you.

4. Have A Killer Headline.

Use killer headlines to tease and to attract your prospect to read your entire sales copy. An example of a great headline "How I made a $15,886 mistake" as it creates curiosity about the story that you are about to reveal.

5. Use the Power of Bullets.

Your sales copy should not just be a laundry list of features. Use as many bulleted points as you can to show the long list of benefits that your prospect can derive by buying your product or service.

6. Use the "feel, felt, found" method.

Handle objections with this method. It works! First, show empathy on how your prospect feels. Then, say how you or your other customers felt the same way. And then, how you or your customers found the answer to their problems by buying your product or service.

7. A picture speaks a thousand words.

Use images that help your prospect visualize about what you are selling. Sell the sizzle! A simple example to illustrate this point is to create stunning covers for your information product. The cover of my newsletter "Mapping You to Success" viewed at http://www.e-BizMap.com certainly looks yummy and easy to digest!

8. Testimonials sell!

Get testimonials from credible sources. Wouldn't a prospect feel more tempted if your product or service is also used by some top names or gurus?

9. Go big on bonuses.

Use bonuses that have high perceived value. Value is created when the bonus is relevant to the needs of the prospect. To create the impression of high perceived value, spend some time explaining and telling your prospects what each bonus is, its worth and the "succulent" benefits they can derive.

10. Give a lifetime guarantee.

Give a guarantee that lasts forever! Make your offer as risk free as possible.

Now how do you beat the "buffet" of tips given above? Perfect your recipe for writing great copy and see your sales sizzle to the top!

Evelyn Lim is an online publisher of a FREE weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success". She aims to equip her readers with skills on acquiring multiple sources of online income. Subscription to her newsletter is available at http://www.e-BizMap.com. Or, you can visit her blog "Online home business journals from Singapore" at http://www.evelynlim.com.


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