Web Development Information

Making Your Website Shine! Attract and Keep Visitors at Your Site!

When you consider the billions of individuals and companies on the net who are attempting to influence visitors with their wares, it is vitally important that your site offers something out of the ordinary. An important fact to remember is that what the site says is far more important than how it looks. Why? Because good copy sells!

Pretty is as Pretty Does!

I don't mean to imply that a beautiful site isn't going to attract visitors, but pretty is as pretty does! What happens once visitors get to your site? Your potential prospects will surely appreciate an entertaining and good-looking web site but they didn't necessarily come by to be dazzled by the design. They came because they were looking for your product or service. So be sure your site is conveying an enthusiastic message about your business.

Content must be Exciting and Persuasive!

How often have you searched the Internet for information or a service only to discover that much of what was presented was disappointing? Of course that wasn't the intention of the business owner but all too often written communication on the Internet falls short. The truth is your content has to be enticing and persuasive or you will fail to secure leads and new business.

What is your Site Saying about your Business?

Many folks are eager to draw visitors to their sites yet they don't realize that the words are not grabbing the attention of the reader. Copy must reflect the enthusiasm you feel for your own business. After all, if you're not excited about it, how can someone else get excited?

The Secrets of Exceptional Web Site Copy!

#1 Create Headlines or Slogans!
The number one rule when it comes to selling yourself on the web is opening with an enticing headline, one that describes what you do or how you can help a potential client immediately. You've heard it said many times before that words have power, and that never changes. Take advantage of your communication by showing potential prospects that you know what they need.

#2 How to Attracts Visitors!
When determining what verbiage to incorporate on your site, be mindful as to what attracts you when visiting other sites. Have you noticed that there are words that grab your immediate attention? Notice what inspires you to request information from a site. Those are the clues that reveal the secrets of good web site content. Basically the message you convey should be sincere as a reader connects more easily if they feel comfortable.

#3 Use Descriptive Words!
The way you sell speaks volumes about you, therefore send a message that says: "My product or service will enhance your life, fill a need and make things better for you and I can prove it." How is that achieved? By making sure that you not only write descriptive words but demonstrate benefits. Think about why the visitor is at your site. What does he or she really want? To gain access into someone's head, heart or wallet, your words must not only evoke curiosity but they must appear authentic.

#4. Simple is Still the Way to Go!
Whatever content you choose for your site, make sure it's easy to read. Most experts will agree that content should be understood as easily by a young person as it is to an adult. Simplicity is what counts. Too often excessive information can be overwhelming. The trick is to say a lot in as few words as possible. Well-written content makes it easy for visitors to buy your products and services. Therefore, spend lots of time writing and rewriting your copy.

#5 What is Your Intention?
Having a real intention to help others comes through very clearly. Rather than just selling your services or products, show your interest in your clients by including tips, articles or suggestions that are considered useful. Give something away in your copy and it will come back to you tenfold.

#6 Make it Somewhat Interactive!
Since your goal is to make sure the content speaks to your audience in a manner that invites inquiries, instead of conveying only what you can do for your potential clients, include some pertinent questions in your content that evoke responses. Encourage your visitors to think.

Whether you are designing a new web site, or revamping one that is already online, the content of your material must be offered in such a way as to appeal to your target market. Regardless of the service or product, it is wise to put attention on what you are ultimately trying to communicate. Think about what visitors want to see and what they would like to know about your company. When choosing your words make them appealing and professional. Although you may not win over every potential client, you can do a great deal to ensure victory by knowing the secrets to a well-written site.

Copyright 2005

About the Author
Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist to her creative efforts as a freelance business writer/consultant. She has successfully helped companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding web site content, press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, letters and all other forms of marketing material.

You may visit Charlene at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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