Web Development Information

Unlocking the Power of Your Website!

Why do some web sites reap huge benefits while others just get lost in the shuffle? Do some web masters have a secret that most of us have overlooked? Actually, there is a secret to unlocking the power of your web site and it has to do with words. When communicating via the web, words truly make all the difference. And the only way to get the most out of your website is carefully choosing what you have to say and how you say it.

Is There a Difference When Writing for the Internet?

As a writer for a multitude of projects, I've noticed one very important distinction when writing for the Internet. That distinction boils down to less verbiage with more impact. What that means to you is making sure each word counts. Because people scan verbiage on the web it's important to use words sparingly but they must be words that have power. Why? Because behind every well-written message, you should hear: "I have something that you want or need and you can hardly wait to get it." Consequently, to get it right, you have to use words effectively.

Content is King!

People pay a fortune to have beautiful sites created yet they neglect the content! Without good content, all is lost. And although you have the freedom to place as much information on a web site as you choose, reader's want information quickly therefore each word must be well thought out. Material that is too wordy may act as a deterrent. So bear in mind that "Content is King!" You may have the most beautiful site ever created but without excellent content your site will not be successful. When all is said and done, to motivate potential clients to take action, your message must be transmitted in such a way as to convey professionalism, sincerity and credibility.

Tips for Effective Web-Based Documents!

Consider your web-based document as though it were an advertisement because that's exactly what it is. And good commercial advertisements often take creative license. While the sentence structure may not always be perfect, the verbiage must be creative, interesting and appealing to the ear and eye. As you prepare to put your site online, the following few points should be considered:

1) Writing is subjective which means some people will love what you have to say while others are just waiting around for an opportunity to criticize. Be concerned only with getting your intended audience to hear and appreciate what you have to say.

2) For web site writing, less is more. The attention span of most visitors is limited so make it easy and quick for visitors to find what they want. To have impact, web content should have about half of the word count of its paper equivalent.

3) No one specific web site will meet the needs or the appetites of everyone, therefore you'd be wise to choose a specific target audience and focus your attention on that group of individuals.

4) Share your information in a way that presents your product in an exciting, innovative way. If your copy is ho-hum, you'll lose the reader before they begin.

5) Nothing on the web is static which means change is both common and necessary. Therefore, be willing to progress by changing the content on your site periodically. If you prefer not changing the content, add a newsletter or an article.

6) Make sure that somewhere in your copy, you encourage readers to take action. If you want your audience to contact you, include easily found contact information. If you want them to use your services, make it easy to buy or inquire.

7) Instill passion and enthusiasm in your copy. If you're not excited, how can you expect someone else to feel excited about your product?

8) Make your site easy to scan. Since most web readers scan pages rather than reading through word-by-word, highlight the important points by using headings and bulleted points for emphasis. Make it easy to go from page to page.

To unlock the power of your web site, keep in mind that you may have a magnificent site but without excellent content your site will have little impact on the web. Sites created with over the top presentations, often neglect or ignore the copy. In truth all that showy, glitzy stuff will be of very little consequence without meaningful content. People may be impressed for a moment with flamboyant graphics but when all is said and done, they are primarily interested in an easy to read, beneficial site that offers something of value.


Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist and Author to her creative efforts as a freelance business writer/consultant. She has successfully helped countless companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding website content, press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes and all other forms of marketing material. To speak with Charlene you may contact her at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com

For Charlene's booklet: "Movin On Up - Success on the Internet," visit http://allyourwritingneeds.com/ebook.html

For a free consultation visit: http://allyourwritingneeds.com/

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