Web Development Information

Dreamweaver 8 Preview

August 8 2005, Macromedia announced a release of Studio 8. Based on the feedback of previous users, Macromedia made it's already very powerful software even better.

Dreamweaver 8 improvements include:

CSS panel

With the new CSS panel it is very easy to add, view and edit CSS styles.

XML integration

In Dreamweaver 8 you are able to click and drag XML files into the layout. And if you are using XSLT to format the XML, the code hints will help you do that easily.


Use guides to help you align your web page elements

Zoom in-out

This is the new feature which helps you zoom in and out of the layout, helping you focus on specific elements of your web project. This may be very helpful to people who are working with print.

Coding toolbar

This is a feature that was available in Homesite. It is a bar to the left of the code view that helps you comment, un-comment, collapse and expand code, display or hide line numbers etc.

Web Development

Dreamweaver 8 now supports digest authentication and SSL for secure servers, PHP 5 coding standards, updated support for ColdFusion MX 7 etc.

Background file transfer

New functionality enables users to work with files in their local machine while Dreamweaver communicates with the server.

Visit Macromedia website for more information.

Emir Plicanic

Visit Bewebmaster.com for more web design/development articles.


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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