Web Development Information

7 Reasons YOU Need a Website

1) A marketing necessity

I still hear it said from time to time that you really do not need a website if you are a private practice professional. I disagree. In today's world, I think you are selling yourself short if you do not have a website, because you are not using one of the most powerful ways in which to market you and your services.

2) Websites are affordable

When I had my very first website in 1997, the domain name by itself cost me almost two hundred dollars. Today you can get a domain name and a month of hosting for just over eight dollars.

3) A website increases your "expert-ability"

When you have a website featuring your area of expertise, you are perceived as the expert, no questions asked.

4) A website increases your prospects

One of the many useful strategies we teach in our TeleSeminars at BuildingYourIdealPractice.com is that you have to have a prospect first in order to have a new client. Prospects can visit your website, learn more about you, your services and the benefits available without you having to be there.

5) A website increases your publicity

A website gives you a worldwide presence. Even thought there are millions of websites on the internet now, a website stills says "I am here, I know what I am doing, and I can help you."

6) A website increases your profits

One of my favorite experiences as a practice building coach is the look on the face and/or the sound in the voice of someone who has just made their first passive income on the internet. It's very addictive. A website allows you to make money when you are doing something else. It's a real kick to get up in the morning and have more money than when you went to bed.

7) A 24/7 worldwide store

How would you like to have a 24 hour a day, seven days a week, 365 day a year store whose sole reason for being is to promote you and sell your products that will help other?

Get a website.

Visit BuildingYourIdealPractice.com for more leading edge tips and tools for creating your ideal practice. You are also invited to visit our Private Practice Marketing Podcast


Web Design and Development  Muskegon Community College

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