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Best Web Hosting Company - Find The Most Affordable Host
If you're creating a community web site or a business web site, one of the first things on your agenda will be finding good, dependable, affordable web hosting for your site. In most cases, a free hosting service isn't going to work. You'll quickly discover that there's a wide range of prices in what's considered affordable, and in what services come with your web hosting package. What to look for in an affordable web hosting package Before you make any decisions, it's important that you know what you'll need. Sit down and plan what you'll be using your web site for, and what your server will need to provide for you in order for you to do it. As an example, if you plan to host a web-based community forum, you'll probably need a web host that provides PHP and an SQL database. If, on the other hand, you're planning on running Active Server Pages, or .NET applications, you'll need a server running Windows rather than a UNIX or Linux code base. Know what you're looking for before you start looking. It will be far easier than having to change once you get started. Watch Out for A La Carte Plans Add-ons can turn an affordable web hosting package into an expensive proposition before you know it. Most hosting packages will allow you to add on a la carte items as you need them, but it can get pricey quickly. If the web host you choose charges a setup fee for the shopping cart you didn't think you'd need, it could easily be the equivalent of several month's hosting fees. Instead, you should decide what you'll need, then get more than you think you'll use. Even the cheapest web host should provide 24/7 support. Ideally, your web hosting provider should acknowledge any request for help within an hour with an estimated time of completion. They should provide you with a searchable knowledge base and tutorials to guide you through most common tasks you'll need to do, and support desk help should be available to you online at all times. No matter how low cost a web host is, if it's not working, then you're paying too much. Before you sign with a web hosting provider, monitor them for a while, or ask around on forums about their record. A hosting service MUST be reliable. A hosting service that can't keep your site online and available will only lose you business and money. To view our top recommended companies for web hosting, visit: Recommended Web Hosting Companies Online. Carrie Reeder is the owner of eZerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics, including web hosting.
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