Web Hosting Information

Best Website Hosting is One Thats Reliable

If you are looking for a solid, reliable web host, it's important to look online for recommendations of reliable web hosting companies. There are a few big names in web hosting that you can feel comfortable trusting your hosting to.

If you have an online business that you are looking for hosting for, it's important to find a web host that has 99% uptime. If you have a business that's making $100 or more a day in sales, it's a big deal if your host is down for even a few hours.

As a business owner, you have probably spent your time and money marketing your business to get visitors to your website and the last thing you want is for the customers to finally come and then find that your site is down and leave, forever.

An important factor when looking for a web host online is price, of course. However, I wouldn't be as concerned about price as I would about reliability. There are solid web hosting companies like Yahoo who are a little more pricey in their hosting, but yet, never have downtime. The cost of losing sales if your host goes down for a few hours can make the monthly cost you are paying for hosting seem insignificant.

Most hosting companies will require you to pay for your hosting in a one year installment, which will be anywhere from $50-$150 or more, depending on which company you choose.

Make sure when you buy your hosting, that it has all of the features your website will need support for. What programming languages are used in your website, PHP? SSI? Make sure your host supports these languages before you sign up. Every host will have a list on their website of supported programming languages. If you are going to be using Microsoft Frontpage to build your website, you will want to make sure that Frontpage plug-ins are offered by the web host.

Also, make sure the package offers enough disc space for your site. If your website is small, under a couple hundred pages, the most basic packages will probably have more than enough space for your website.

To see our list of our most recommended web hosting companies online, visit this page: Recommended Web Hosting Companies.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of eZerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics.


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